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因为你是石油输出国You're in OPEC.

“欧佩克”石油价格的四倍上涨。The four-fold increase in oil prices imposed by opec.

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所以说OPEC迟早可能造成超过大多数人预料的破坏。So OPEC could yet do more damage than most people expect.

谁是与OPEC竞争的新兴势力呢So who were the competitive fringe against OPEC? Anybody?

谢谢你把OPEC峰会办得这么好。Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit.

石油输出国组织昨日同意每天原油产量二百万桶。Opec agreed yesterday to raise output by two million barrels a day.

这使得欧佩克的处境艰难,因为欧佩克是以美元来收取油款的。This makes it hard on opec since it gets paid in dollars for its oil.

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在过去六个月中,欧佩克12个成员国已经两次减少石油产量。The 12-member Opec has cut its production twice in the last six months.

OPEC为本周第二个调高需求预估的主要预测机构.OPEC is the second major forecaster to lift its demand estimates this week.

一些炼油厂缺少过剩产能来吸收欧佩克增产的那些油。Refineries lack the excess capacity to absorb the kind of oil Opec produces.

一些欧佩克成员国甚至希望未来几个月的油价更高。Some OPEC states are hankering for even higher oil prices in the months ahead.

而伊朗、俄罗斯、委内瑞拉和所有欧佩克的强盗们正在击掌相庆。And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other.

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但汤姆·克洛萨相信欧佩克领导人自己也对高油价感到担忧。But Tom Kloza believes OPEC leaders themselves are concerned about high prices.

欧佩克上次减产在2007年早期,当时油价在一年内翻了一倍。When OPEC last cut production, early in 2007, prices doubled in just over a year.

他曾表示,欧佩克成员国正在投资,以提高产油和炼油能力。He has said OPEC members are investing to increase both production and refining capacity.

欧佩克某些支持新的价格机制的代表的一些见解支持了他们的这种愿望。Adding support to this theory are mumblings from OPEC delegates in support of the mechanism.

但是欧佩克及其成员国坚持表示,提高产油能力不大可能产生任何效果。But OPEC and its member nations maintain that raising capacity is unlikely to have any impact.

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天然气液是能源供应的一部分,OPEC成员国可以在不违反限产目标的情况下增加其供应.NGLs are one aspect of supply, OPEC members can increase without circumventing output targets.

对于俄罗斯是否寻求成为欧佩克正式成员一事,俄方官员未予详述。Russian officials didn't specify whether they were seeking admission as a regular OPEC member.

我同沙特阿拉伯国王法赫德谈到让石油输出国组织增加产量的可能性。I spoke with King Fahd of Saudi Arabia about the possibility of OPEC increasing its production.