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铁、木和冰是固体。A dice is a solid.

楔板实心蒙乃尔。Wedge solid Monel.

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冰是固态的水。Ice is solid water.

垒球是实心的。The softball is solid.

这地板是硬橡木的。The floor is solid oak.

这桌子是纯粹栎木的。The table is solid oak.

我们需要有序的晶体。I want an ordered solid.

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我会给你一个实实在在的B减。I'd say a solid B minus.

立方体是正多面体。A cube is a regular solid.

沿著实线剪下。Cut along the solid lines.

液体的体积是小于固体的。Liquid is less than solid.

食物已经冻成固体了。The food had frozen solid.

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双实线边框。A double solid line border.

这把椅子很结实。This is a very solid chair.

窗帘都是纯蓝色的。The curtains are solid blue.

陆地到此为止了。The solid ground ended here.

正确地握杆。重心靠左。Good solid grip. Weight left.

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铁、木和冰是固体。Iron, wood and ice are solid.

所有旅馆全部客满。The hotels were booked solid.

传播声音的最佳介质是固体。It travels best through solid.