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至多每年还有一次潜水鸟要来。At most, it tolerates one annual loon.

然而,你也不能把卡扎菲仅仅看成一个漫画里的疯子。Yet Qaddafi can't just be dismissed as a comic loon.

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房龙并不回避富有争议的言论。Van Loon did not shy away from controversial statements.

房龙于1924年加入一神教俗世信徒联盟。Van Loon had joined the Unitarian Laymen 's League in 1924.

对房龙的一项更严肃的指控是他在学问上的马虎。A more serious charge against van loon was the sloppiness of his scholarship.

大家都笑了。一小队海尔姆深谷的幸存者抵达。皮平咯咯笑得像个傻瓜。Both laugh. A small crew of Helm's Deep survivors arrive. Pippin chortles like a loon.

他们行来,像秋天的树叶飒飒然穿过林中,一只潜水鸟至少有十个猎者。They come rustling through the woods like autumn leaves, at least ten men to one loon.

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Loring没有打算用Fatu和Loon的iPS细胞来复制这些个体。Loring does not plan to use the iPS cells of Fatu and of Loon to clone these individuals.

杰勒德?龙认为他父亲“在基本上令他觉得厌烦的素材上已经尽了全力”。Gerard van Loon thought that his father, had done" his best with material that basically bored him."

同海燕相比,我只不过是恐惧的海鸥、呻吟的海鸭、蠢笨的企鹅。In the face of the stormy petrel, I am just a groaning seagull, a whimpering loon or a stupid penguin.

没多一会儿,随着蓝色的苍鹭拍打着翅膀,潜鸟富有旋律地鸣叫,湖面苏醒了。It isn't long before the lake awakens at the flap of a blue heron's wings and the melodic call of a loon.

因为健康状况变得糟糕,房龙没有参加万灵教会的活动,只在加入教会的那个礼拜天出现在讲道坛上。In failing health, van Loon did not attend All Souls after he appeared in the pulpit the Sunday he joined.

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一匣匣线装书,都是龙彼得廿、卅年来苦心蒐罗的成果。Professor van der Loon 's numerous books are the fruits of twenty or thirty years of assiduous collecting.

龙彼得教授原籍荷兰,但数十年来在英国汉学界所贯注的心血,赢得学界一致的尊敬。Originally from Holland, Professor Piet Van der Loon has won wide respect for his sinological work in Britain.

当锯齿潜鸟进场时,抽两张牌,然后将两张牌从你手上置于你的牌库底。When Sawtooth Loon comes into play , draw two cards, then put two cards from your hand on the bottom of your library.

历史是经验的巨塔,岁月在无限的往昔中建造它。------凡。龙。History is the mighty tower of experience , which time has built amidst the endless fields of bygone age. ---Van loon.

在怀俄明州的莫斯湖,一只看似平淡无奇的潜鸟快速的摆动它的翅膀想摔干上面的水迹。Its breeding plumage a blur, a common loon in Wyoming 's Moose Lake flaps in rapid bursts to shake water from its wings.

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在我们的码头附近,两只鸭子带着涟漪的水花上了岸。一只潜鸟沿着附近一个小岛的边缘掠过.在猎取它的早餐。TWQ ducks make a rippled landing near our dock, while a loon skims along the edge of a nearby island, hunting its morning food.

窗前的中国摆饰,每一件都有不同的来历,都是龙彼得珍爱的。The Chinese artifacts in front of the window are all prized possessions of Professor van der Loon. Each has a different history.

在那个年龄,我若是出门,就必定要和周围人一样穿上Biba体恤衫和懒汉裤。At that age, if I did not have the identical Biba T-shirt and loon trousers everyone else had I was not prepared to leave the house.