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说明着什么?Explain what?

对此我无法解释。I couldn’t explain.

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请允许我解释。Allow me to explain.

我真不懂女人。Explain women to me.

你能解释一下吗?Can you explain that?

他开始解释到。He begins to explain.

不用解释。Needn't try to explain.

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你向他们解释了吗?Did you explain to them?

你做何解释?How do you explain that?

他们诠释一切。They explain everything.

请专家解释一下。Ask an expert to explain.

但是你该如何解释?But how could you explain?

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需要我为你解释吗?Need I explain it for you?

不过,让我进一步解释。But let me explain further.

那你怎么解释这个?But how do you explain this?

请把这一段文字解释一下。Kindly explain this passage.

我们就会触摸、相爱、剖白。We may touch, love, explain.

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我会对夫人解释。I will explain to the Senora.

我们可以边玩边解释给你听。We'll explain as we go along.

汤姆,能详细解释那一票吗?Care to explain that one, Tom?