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功效滋阴补血。Efficacy nourishing blood.

好像乳汁滋润着我的心窝!Nourishing my heart like milk!

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对滋补身体是有很大的好处的哈。For nourishing the there are a lot of benefits.

鸡蛋是人们日常生活中一种非常有营养的副食品。Egg is one of nourishing foods in our daily life.

它净化同时又滋养着皮肤。This cleanser purifies while nourishing the skin.

“我想成为你生命中的水”如何翻译成英…语?I'd love to be the only "water" nourishing your life forever.

螃蟹是高蛋白的东西,具有滋阴壮阳的作用。Crab is something that has nourishing high-protein aphrodisiac.

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龙眼肉能养血安神。Longan tranquilizes the disturbed mind by nourishing the blood.

最后,一大锅美味营养的汤熬好了,每个人都吃到这个石头汤。Finally, a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by all.

悬钩子是一种营养丰富、色香味俱佳的加工原料。Raspberry is a nourishing material with good color and sweet smell.

理查德瘦得皮包骨头,该吃点好的食物补补了。Richard is only skin and bones. He should get some nourishing food.

老少咸宜的营养饮料。馈赠亲友四季佳品。A nourishing beverage for all ages. An excellent gift in all seasons.

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是一种保养皮肤及滋润效果奇佳的植物油。Wonderful vegetable oil with excellent nourishing effect for skincare.

鹌鹑蛋的滋补作用要强于鸡蛋,但也可以使用鸡蛋。Quail eggs nourishing than the role of eggs, but can also use the eggs.

这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。This sort of dietetic food has the effect of nourishing the human Body.

但这些真的能够为年轻人提供“心灵鸡汤”吗?But can these rich guys really provide nourishing food for young brains?

承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞坛滋养气味。By courtesy of the mourner he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.

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这款滋养面霜能够很好的补足皮肤每日失去的湿气。This nourishing cream replenishes skin with the moisture it loses daily.

承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞食滋养气味。By courtesy of the mourner, he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.

蝎子富含蛋白质,是一种营养价值颇高的滋补食品。Scorpion rich in protein, is a high nutritional value of nourishing food.