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她会灵活地顺着梯子爬上去,远远地躲开这些卑鄙龌龊的人。She would have steered agilely up the ladders and left the snakes alone.

我每天训练她,30天之后,它已经可以灵活地倒著走路。I trained her a while each day. After 30 days she could agilely walk upside down.

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锻炼还可以提高我们的反应能力。Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely.

那人轻巧的从窗户翻了出去,一点声音都没有发出。That person agilely cornered over to go out from the window, some voices didn't mail out.

鹤翅双刀是携带方便、使用灵活、实用性强的随身短兵器。Two Crane Wing Broadswords are the practical short weapon that you can easily carry, agilely use.

一只大青蛙敏捷地跳入河中,在它的生活空间里尽情蹬腿畅游。A big frog plunged into the river agilely , swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily.

准确的需求预测是装备保障链敏捷运行的重要条件。Exact requirement prediction is an important condition for equipment support chain to work agilely.

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该方法不仅可灵活、准确地完成数据采集,还同时完成了数据的清理工作。This method not only finishs data acquisition agilely and rightly, but also finishs data cleaning in the same.

今年你会很明白地表达自己的需要,并强烈地想晓得需求有没有被满意。You will experience a need to express yourself acutely and agilely to accomplish abiding your needs are met this year.

制图的灵活度高,图件更新方便,使土壤制图与分类同步。The new cartography can renovate map agilely and expediently, accordingly soil drawing and classification synchronization.

只听头上枝振叶摇,一个瘦小的身影轻巧地跳到马立大面前。A rustle of leaves and branches was heard overhead, and a skinny little figure leaped agilely and landed in front of Ma Lida.

但是,研究者们也报道说看到过他们“奔跑”,灵活地越过不平的地形,奔跑很长一段距离。However, researchers also report seeing quadrupeds 'running', moving agilely over rough terrain and travelling long distances.

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该法把传统的随机诱变和现代的定位诱变融合起来,可灵活控制基因突变的随机性和定位性。It combined traditional random mutagenesis with the modern site-specific techniques Both processes can be agilely controlled by this way.

通过跟踪光标移动的轨迹,可以进行相当灵活的删除、插入,修改、显示页面等所有编辑处理。Through tracing the locus of the cursor being moved, one can agilely make all basic editings such as deleting, inserting, changing and page-displaying.

合兴独有的“标准化”生产模式具有可复制性,使得公司能快速切入新市场,提升竞争优势。Hexing's unique "standardized production model" is duplicable, which enables the company to enter a new market agilely and get the better of its competitors.

在系统代码开发过程中,通过构建系统功能页面辅助开发工具模块,实现系统功能页面的快速开发和部署。During the system's code developing process, the system function page aid development tool is brought forward, which agilely developing and deploying system function pages.

本文阐明了做好新闻标题的重要性,指出汉语修辞中形象类辞格对做活新闻标题的作用。This article clarifies the importance of making the news headlines better, it also points out the function of the image rhetoric space in making the news headlines agilely.

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如果商家能在客户定义的事件发生时敏捷地响应客户需求,就能避免客户盲目性,大大提高商务效率,商家也赢得了商机。If merchant can respond customer's requirements agilely when the event defined by customer appears, blindness of customer can be avoided, merchant wins business opportunities too.

他们上下楼梯也有困难,下楼时,用脚先下楼。但是,研究者们也报道说看到过他们“奔跑”,灵活地越过不平的地形,奔跑很长一段距离。They also have difficulty with stairs and descend feet-first. However, researchers also report seeing quadrupeds 'running', moving agilely over rough terrain and travelling long distances.

文中提出多AD9852远距离分布式控制的方法,可实现对DDS的频率、相位和幅度进行独立精确控制。In this paper, A method of control of multi-AD9852 in the distance is presented, the project can agilely realize separate and precision control to the frequency, the phase, the amplitude of DDS.