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又没有更多的面纱了。There is no more purdah.

世博会又带其走出来“深闺”走向了世界。Expo has come out with its "purdah" to the world.

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雅典奥运会已经落下帷幕。The purdah of the Athens Olympic Games has fallen.

妻子可能会被生心猜忌,担心的丈夫限制于深闺中。wives could be kept in purdah by jealous, fearful husbands.

深闺乍冷鉴开箧,玉箸微微湿红颊。Purdah first cold Kam open trunk, jade chopsticks slightly wet red cheek.

当问及为什么要有高墙,他们说是因为他们的妻子必须守妇道,不得外出。When asked about the high walls, they said it was because their wives observed purdah.

采用帷幕注浆堵水工艺可防止大面积地表塌陷的发生。With the technics of purdah infusion to stem water, surface sinking of large area can be prevented.

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至于说个案,我可以谈谈,某些宗教团体的规定,要求女性遵守深闺的习俗。As for a case study, I could talk about certain religious community's requirements that women practice purdah.

研究了帷幕灌桨中注浆管表面的固体润滑涂层组成。The composition of solid lubricant coating is researched on the surface of grouting tube in the purdah grouting.

虽然风景无限,但是兴城“城小言微”,养在深闺尚不为人所识。Although the scenery unlimited, but the Xingcheng "micro-city of the small words, " kept in purdah knowledge is not yet avail.

在巴基斯坦的农村地区,包括与阿富汗接壤的普什图北部地区,女人们都严格地遵守着Purdah的传统。Purdah is strictly observed by many women in rural areas of Pakistan, including the majority-Pashtun northern belt bordering Afghanistan.

母亲经常告诫我,在媒体上说话时,要记得把脸遮起来,因为在我这个年纪,应该懂得遵守妇德,而且她也担心我的人身安全。My mother used to tell me to hide my face when I spoke to the media because at my age I should be in purdah and she was afraid for my safety.

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期待以久的神秘即将揭开。7点的钟声刚过,伴随着主持人王勇新的开场白,山东大学微软学生俱乐部会员大会正式拉开帷幕。Just 7 o'clock, the general assembly of MS club in Shangdong University undrawed its purdah in due form after compere Wang Yongxin 's prolusion.