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我叫贝弗马歇尔。I'm Bev Marshall.

马歇尔•菲茨,约翰•哈尔平By Marshall Fitz & John Halpin

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我们全体都是乘务员。We are all crew. — Marshall McLuhan

尼克·马歇尔是典型的男人中的男人。Marshall was the ultimate man's man.

瑟古德。马歇尔是一位非常优秀的律师。Thurgood Marshall was a very good lawyer.

刘伟和苏珊·马舍在一次聚会上相遇。Liu Wei and Susan Marshall meet at a party.

其中包括正义先生和瑟古德·马歇尔。Among them was Mr. Justice, Thurgood Marshall.

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大家都快起来吧!呃?扎克?马歇尔?Rise and shine, everybody. Huh? Zak ? Marshall?

瑟古德。马歇尔在他的班第一个毕业。Thurgood Marshall graduated first in his class.

马歇尔先生是个有着优雅风度的电学家。Mr. Marshall was an electrician with elegant manners.

马歇尔个头不高,短小精悍,明亮的眼睛一闪一闪的。Marshall was small and wiry, with bright dancing eyes.

然后麦克?马歇尔击出平飞得了两分。Mike Marshall hit a line drive, bringing in two runners.

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你是指在马歇尔街的表演艺术剧院吗?Do you mean the Performing Arts Theater on Marshall Street?

马歇尔认为,问题的关键是应教孩子如何花钱和存钱。Teaching kids how to budget and save is key, Marshall says.

“我们给了你们一个重要的潮流时刻,”马歇尔说。"We have given you a major fashion moment, " says Marshall.

他听了笑着说,伯克也已经向他推荐了这几位。He laughed and said Burke Marshall had recommended them too.

马歇尔带著大胆的新计画回到美国。Marshall returned to the United States with a bold new idea.

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图为一只在马尔绍群岛附近的水域中捕获的橙色螃蟹。An orange crab taken from the waters near the Marshall Islands?

她是个很棒的母亲,很会养育孩子。She is quite the mom -- very nurturing, " Marshall told People.

马绍尔群岛上三分之一的妇女都患有糖尿病。In the Marshall Islands a third of all women have the condition.