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1926年该酋长国成为包奇州一部分。The emirate became part of Bauchi state in 1926.

但是迪拜没有石油,它的阿拉伯酋长邻国会支持他。But Dubai, which has no oil, was backed by its Arab emirate neighbors.

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不可否认,迪拜犯了扩张过度的大忌,而且将为此付出惨痛代价。There's no denying that the emirate overreached and will pay a hefty price.

这个问题已蔓延至邻近富裕的波斯湾沙迦邦,据警方一名消息人士说。The problem has spread to the nearby affluent Gulf emirate of Sharja, according to a police source.

该酋长国传统上较为成功的行业一直表现上佳。The emirate has been performing quite well in sectors in which it has traditionally been successful.

在西班牙的摩尔人的酋长国科尔多巴,科学和哲学研究广为盛行。Scientific and philosophical studies were disseminated through the Moorish emirate of Cordoba, Spain.

在石油推升下,加彭的经济比较像个阿拉伯大公国,而不像中非国家。Fueled by oil, the country's economy was more like that of an Arabian emirate than a Central African nation.

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玛斯达尔学院位置处于阿联酋最大的酋长国阿布扎比的一个零排放城市内。The Masdar Institute is part of a zero-emissions city being built in Abu Dhabi, the largest emirate in the UAE.

而像塔河尼这样许多心态保守的利比亚人,已经为酋长国经营已久,并从援助中获取利益。Many secular-minded Libyans such as Mr Tarhouni have spent much time in the emirate and have benefited from its largesse.

在克里斯·杜梅特眼里,迪拜曾是那么的美好,这个47岁的银行家13年前来到这片埃米尔统治的土地上,开办了一家自己的房地产公司。Dubai has been good to Chris Dommett. The 47-year-old banker moved to the emirate 13 years ago and set up a property company.

这便是迪拜的远见,一个崛起在波斯湾海岸上的酋长国欲大力打造世界级的资本市场。That is the vision of dubai a thriving emirate on the edge of the persian gulf that aims to create a world-class capital market.

世界岛是绝无仅有的一个怪例子,迪拜借来资金和劳力,在房地产上冒险下注。The emirate borrowed capital and labour to make speculative bets on real estate, of which The World is only one outlandish example.

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而与沙特不同的是,以第一夫人谢哈·莫扎为突出代表的卡塔尔追寻现代化与包容的社会政体。Yet, unlike its neighbour, the emirate pursues modernising and tolerant social policies, especially via its first lady, Sheikha Mozah.

1903年该酋长国成为英国统治下的卡塔古姆省一部分,其首府所在地亦称卡塔古姆,1916年转属阿札雷世袭酋长国。The emirate became part of Katagum province under British rule in 1903. Its seat, also named Katagum, was transferred to Azare in 1916.

他们的目的从一开始就是要建立一个依照伊斯兰教法成立的伊斯兰酋长国,可以说比塔利班的统治更加严格。Their objective from the start was to establish an Islamist Emirate in the Magreb under sharia law, arguably more repressive than Taliban rule.

今年,许多警官,其中一些是女性,分赴阿联酋的各清真寺和购物中心逮捕这些乞丐。This year a number of police officials, some of who are women, have fanned out to mosques and shopping malls in the emirate to nab the beggars.

补助娶二房?科威特一名国会议员提议为男性公民“娶二房”提供补助,以便解决这个产油酋长国剩女过多的问题。Kuwaiti MP proposed state-aid for male citizens to take second wives, in a bid to reduce the large number of unmarried women in the oil-rich emirate.

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这个月上旬,酋长国的观众蜂拥去观看一个驯师的埃及祖母,她指使狮子跳火圈。Earlier this month, audiences in the emirate flocked to watch Faten al-Helw, a lion-taming Egyptian grandmother, put her big cats through flaming hoops.

说起到海湾度假,几乎每个人都会想起迪拜——这可以理解,阿联酋是海湾地区最有人气的旅游目的地。Talk about a holiday in the Gulf and everyone thinks of Dubai – understandably so, for the Emirate is by far the most popular destination in the region.

阿吉曼提出在地产界,因为它是唯一的酋长国,目前实际拥有财产的居民提供机会。Ajman has moved up in the real estate sector because it is the only emirate that currently offers its residents the opportunity to actually own property.