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太阳能集热板如何工作呢?How do solar panels work?

我们能预测太阳风暴吗?Can we predict solar storms?

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我尤其喜欢他的太阳能作品。I especially like his solar work.

柴达木盆地太阳能光辐站Qaidam Basin Solar PV Installaton

回忆起太阳丛脉轮。Remember the solar plexus chakra.

请看一段太阳耀斑的视频Watch a video of the solar flare.

单击这里访问“太阳风暴观察网”。The Solar Stormwatch site is here.

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太阳系从此有了九大行星。The Solar System now had 9 planets.

它是太阳航行领域先驱者。IT'S the trailblazer of solar sailing.

冰层同时也能够反射太阳辐射。The ice also reflects solar radiation.

你心口会痛?It's a blow to the solar plexus. Right?

我们应当建立太阳能热水系统。We should have solar hot water systems.

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谷雨是二十四节气之一。Grain Rain is one of the 24 solar terms.

江苏淮阴辉煌太阳能有限公司。Huaiyin Huihuang Solar Energy Co. , Ltd.

太阳能采集器也可以成为艺术品。Solar energy collectors can also be art.

上一次的太阳活动峰年出现在2001年。The last solar maximum occurred in 2001.

桑乐发展何以又好又快?。Why Sangle Solar energy develop so fast?

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连丢进太阳系都嫌你不够环保。You're polluting the entire solar system.

迪科派蒂的的预测认为,在2012年太阳最高。Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012.

太阳动力学观测台的第一手光学图像First Light for Solar Dynamics Observatory