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卡娅是一位杰出的即席演讲者和辩手。Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater.

我尤其欣赏我们刚刚听过的即席演讲。I especially enjoyed the extemporaneous speech we just heard.

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看来,即席发言者通常使用loci这种方法。Seemingly extemporaneous speakers often use the method of loci.

很小很小的,但是这个对你的即兴的帮助很大。Very small very small, but this is very big to your extemporaneous help.

参赛者都要抽个题目,做个即席演说。All contestants must draw a topic and make an extemporaneous speech on it.

从文本中徘徊,克林顿发表了演说,即席三分之一。Wandering from the text, Clinton gave a speech that was one-third extemporaneous.

你的言论是按照我们预期的那种方式进行——目空一切的即兴讲话。Your remarks are in the tradition of what we have come to expect—sweeping and extemporaneous.

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用流利生动英语即席演说需要练习。To present an impromptu or extemporaneous speech fluently with good language demands constant practice.

左切片显示面积活跃在即席讲话只是后,毗邻的肿瘤。The left slice shows an area active during extemporaneous speech just posterior and adjacent to the tumor.

皮肤对此毫无准备,你很可能产生刮脸后的烧灼感,并且造成胡须向内生长。The skin is extemporaneous to this fine long hair, you produce the burn move after shave probably, and cause beard ingrown.

只有了解了工作内容和目标,才能有的放矢开展工作,不打无预备之战。Knew working content and cause only, ability have a definite object in view begins the work, do not make extemporaneous fight.

但是这项技术非常容易被滥用,过多的动画不仅没有实用性而且还会拖慢用户的网页浏览器。But the technology can easily be abused—excessive, extemporaneous animations confuse usability and bog down users' Web browsers.

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无准备活动或准备活动不足的情况下,突然开始腰部负荷运动或做弯腰、旋转运动。Below ① extemporaneous activity or the circumstance with insufficient warming-up, begin lumbar bear suddenly to move or do bow, whirligig.

肚皮舞不只是即兴表演舞蹈,而是需要开发身体的自主性动作,让身躯自发性的随音乐不自觉摆动而起舞。Other than an extemporaneous art, belly dancing requires the dancer to explore her autonomic rhythms, so she can dance to the music naturally.

表演中,艺人们边与听众交流,边有即兴发挥,往往妙语连珠。When performing this art, the artists always have extemporaneous play while communicating with the audience, in which quips could often be heard.

我从不求助于事先准备的讲稿,任何想不出30分钟即席讲话内容的人就没有资格让人来听。I never resort to a prepared script — anyone who does not have it in his head to do 30 minutes extemporaneous talking is not entitled to be heard.

工作人员,杰克逊布朗和斯万森参加了全国执业的网络会议在亚特兰大上个月发表了简短的即席演讲。Staff member, Jackson Browne, and Swanson attended the National Practitioner's Network meeting in Atlanta last month and gave a brief extemporaneous presentation.

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即兴伴奏是高等院校音乐专业的基础课程之一,在音乐教学中起到很重要的作用。It is not as complete and thorough as piano accompaniment for a written music piece. But immediately the player plucks the keys with extemporaneous harmony and texture.

他们活泼的即兴表演,富于感染力的动作和表情,以及充满想象力的对答让评委和观众们不时会心微笑。The judges and the audience are amused time after time by their original extemporaneous performances, their contagious enthusiasm, and their imaginative and witty answers.

本文重在研究钢琴即兴伴奏的基本规律和提高学生即兴伴奏能力的基本方法。This thesis discusses the essential regulations of piano extemporaneous accompaniment and the basic means of improving the students' ability of extemporaneous accompaniment.