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粒子易于结合。The particles tend to unite.

油和水不相融。Oil and water will not unite.

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油与水不相溶。Oil will not unite with water.

让我们更紧密地团结起来。Let’s unite still more closely.

于此类似,如果所有的捕食者都合纵为一Likewise, if predators unite as herds

的字源意义是“加入”或“联结”The word Yoga means to join or unite.

“联合国”被缩写成UN两个字母。"Unite Nations" is abbreviated as UN.

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两家公司将并成一家。The two companies will unite into one.

无论发生什么事,我们必须团结一致。Whatever befell, we must unite as one.

不觉寒暑之切肌,利欲之感情。It cut muscle, 46 of the unite feelings.

儿童的断骨容易接合。The broken bones of a child unite easily.

让我们团结起来驱散恐惧。Let us unite in banishing fear, " he said.

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我们把这两种成分结合成一种合剂。We unite these two ingredients into a mixture.

许多蜘蛛网结合在一起就足以将一头猛狮牢牢束缚。When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.

圣人归向他,天下就会统一。Where the Sages go to, he is able to unite all.

雄配子不能与雌配子结合。The male gamete could not unite with the female.

瑟丽芙在星期一承诺要联合全国的人民。Johnson Sirleaf promised Monday to unite her people.

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一个能团结其自身的党将会团结美国本身。And a party that can unite itself will unite America.

他说地球人必须团结起来反抗侵略者。He said the earthmen must unite against the invaders.

一个连自己的民众都团结不起来的人,凭什么继续选他总统?Why re-elect a man who has failed to unite Americans?