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是的。用按摩疗法治您的病效果较好。It is better to treat your condition with acupressure therapy.

另外,部分保险公司也逐渐接受穴位按压。In addition, some insurance companies begin to accept acupressure.

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是的。用按摩疗法治您的病效果较好。Yes. It is better to treat your condition with acupressure therapy.

温和的穴位适用于恢复一种平静的一天。Gentle acupressure is applied to restore a sense of serenity to your day.

Bodymind推拿可以通过自己使用的特殊点在你的身体。Bodymind acupressure can be done by yourself using special spots in your body.

探索新的方式来振兴这个穴位按摩技术,自己的免费视频。Discover new ways to rejuvenate yourself in this free video on acupressure techniques.

静电指压增加了一个轻微的电击除颤,按摩主管部门。Electrostatic Acupressure adds a slight electrical shock to acupressure administrations.

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指压按摩是用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body.

这一治疗钓竿是否能提供用户以刺激穴位。This curative fishing rod is capable of providing the user with an acupressure stimulator.

对晕车增益从这个免费视频的新武器技术的基本穴位。Gain a new weapon against motion sickness from this free video on basic acupressure techniques.

多数人用类似治疗例如催眠、摩或针压法结合治疗触摸。Many combine Therapeutic Touch with similar therapies such as hypnosis, massage, or acupressure.

扑灭由持牌按摩治疗师在此免费视频通过穴位肾虚。Fight a kidney deficiency through acupressure in this free video by a licensed massage therapist.

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特以实证医学研究方法评估气功穴道治疗法在解除疼痛症候群上的疗效。Our study, aiming to investigate efficacy of acupressure in pain syndromes, includes three parts.

指压按摩以及针灸都是,基于体内能量以一定路线运行的理论而产生的治疗方式。Acupressure and acupuncture both are based on the theory of lines of energy running through the body.

经济评估结果显示气功穴道治疗法,具较为有利的成本效率比和成本利益比。Results show that acupressure is of lower costs and with cost effective and beneficial in pain syndromes.

结论穴位按压是解除肛肠病患者术后尿潴留的有效疗法。Conclusion Acupressure is a effective method to relief the uroschesis after operation for anorectal diseases.

这种着重于以按穴恢复能量脉流的分支就是指压按摩。The branch devoted to the use of pressure points to restore energy flow is called the practice of acupressure.

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关于生育有关的穴位按摩的帮助下从东方医学的医生在此免费学习视频剪辑。Learn about maternity-related acupressure with help from a doctor of Oriental medicine in this free video clip.

泰式全身舒压拥有印度瑜珈术及中国穴道指压,能舒络全身筋骨。Thai full body massage uses techniques from both Indian yoga and Chinese acupressure to relax the body muscles.

我们得出结论,在印堂穴指压按摩可以作为术前双亲焦虑症的治疗方法。We conclude that acupressure at the Yintang point may be used as a treatment for parental preoperative anxiety.