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我和叔叔正在等一位州南部的朋友来他家。My uncle and I were waiting for a friend from downstate to show up at my uncle’s place.

你们说,这些事情和观念非常重要--全州的就业问题是重要的,保健是重要的,教育是重要的,环境是重要的,社会保险是重要的,还有妇女选择权是重要的。You came out and said that issues and ideals matter. Jobs matter, downstate and upstate.

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Downastate官员自从去年最初的回答时代周刊的提问以后,已经谢绝不再回答。Downstate officials, after initially answering questions from The Times last year, have declined to answer any more.

纽约州立大学下州医学中心是全国领先的城市医疗中心之一,为自1860年以来的布鲁克林人。"State" University of New York Downstate Medical Center is the leading medical centers in urban areas, and since 1860 in Brooklyn.

一次去边远的伊利诺斯州,一次去衣阿华州的东北部和威斯康星洲的西南部,还有一次去明尼苏达州的北部。One will be to downstate Illinois, another will be to northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin, and the third will be to northern Minnesota.

城市和国家卫生法规要求对年轻病人进行防护,除非是这个器官涉及诊断,但是在Downstate没有出现这种情况。City and state health codes require shielding for young patients, unless it interferes with a diagnosis, which did not appear to be the case at Downstate.

斯特凡妮考克斯迪凯特的医生和护士计划伊利诺伊计划生育唐斯导致临床医生表示,疱疹疫苗“将是美好的。Stephani Cox, a Decatur-based nurse practitioner and downstate lead clinician for Planned Parenthood of Illinois, said a herpes vaccine "would be wonderful."

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你们说,各项议题和观念非常重要--全州的就业问题是重要的,医疗保健是重要的,教育是重要的,环境是重要的,社会保险是重要的,还有妇女选择权是重要的。Jobs matter, downstate and upstate. Health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, Social Security matters, a woman’s right to choose matters.

卡内领导的小组有来自达特默斯、查布尔希尔北卡莱罗纳大学、耶鲁大学、卡尔加里大学、加利福利亚大学洛杉矶分校、纽约州立大学州南部医学中心的成员组成。Kane is leading a group with colleagues from Dartmouth, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Yale, University of Calgary, UCLA, and SUNY Downstate Medical Center.

Downstate出现的失误引起了关于技术员的职称、培训和疏忽的广泛质疑。因为技术员操作的辐射设备越来越复杂和高能量。The errors at Downstate raise broader questions about the competence, training and oversight of technologists who operate radiological equipment that is becoming increasingly complex and powerful.