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该模块具有稳定的单模和保偏效果。The module is robustly single mode and polarizing.

它对鲁棒地处理大量文件进行了优化。It is optimized to work robustly with large numbers of files.

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支持更多的文件格式,而且更加智能化。Support more file formats, and support these formats more robustly.

如果经济复苏的势头比我预期的更强劲,可以取消支出。If the economy recovers more robustly than I anticipate, spending can be cancelled.

我们认为这是一个需要严重关注的领域,我们打算就这个问题积极进行接触。We think this is a serious area of concern and one that we plan to engage in robustly.

果树在阳光下昂扬生长,铺满了青草馨香的纤纤小路,都令他深深迷恋。Fruit trees growing robustly in sun shines, slender paths paving with grass made him infatuated.

它们同样也是除白羽鹬之外最大的鹬类,它们有更强的体力。They are also the largest shanks apart from the Willet , which is altogether more robustly built.

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实验结果表明,本文提出的算法能精确、鲁棒地分割出视频对象。Experimental results show that the algorithm can accurately and robustly segment the video object.

实验结果表明,该方法可以鲁棒地跟踪关节人手。Experimental results show that our proposed method can track articulated hand robustly and efficiently.

传统而言,经历衰退的美国经济会随着需求迅速恢复而强劲有力地走出衰退、实现复苏。Traditionally, the US economy has recovered robustly from recession as demand has been quickly renewed.

实验证明此方法具有简单易实现、定位精确度高、鲁棒性好的优点。Experiment results show that the proposed method can locate mouth region easily, accurately and robustly.

中国国产汽车制造业有50年历史,但是在1990年代后期才开始强劲增长。While it has had a domestic motor industry for 50 years, it began to grow robustly only in the late-1990s.

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如果伊朗政府按投票结果行事,我们将与国际合作伙伴磋商并强有力地予以回应。If the Iranian Government acts on this, we will respond robustly in consultation with our international partners.

较为实际的情形可能是大气温度在缓慢增加到一定程度后才会迅速升高。A more realistic circumstance might be that the global temperature will rise robustly after an andante increasing.

IPCC承认其犯下一个关于喜马拉雅冰川融化日期的错误,但却有力驳斥了更广范围的指控。The body admits one error, concerning the melting date of Himalayan glaciers, but robustly rebuts the wider charge.

与协作相关的语义为您提供了更有力地描述关系的潜能。The semantics associated with the Collaboration offer the potential for you to characterize relationships more robustly.

英国政府说,英国大使对任何批评都会“积极”回应,并要求伊朗尊重人权。The British government said its envoy would respond "robustly" to any criticism and call for Iran to respect human rights.

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如果想要建立强的思想社会理论的话,米德主义的方法将最终胜过微果茨棘的方法。The Meadian approach will eventually have to prevail over Vygotsky in order to construct a robustly social theory of mind.

在机器人的位置色标检测系统中,如何提高颜色识别的鲁棒性是一个比较难解决的问题。It′s a difficult problem how the positional color code tracking system of robot recognizes color target robustly and quickly.

尽管一些罗姆人极力维护“吉普赛人”这一称呼,但这一传统词汇在一些人看来充满着蔑视的味道,其他人则认为它不够精准。The traditional word “Gypsy” is seen as pejorative by some and inaccurate by others though some Romanies robustly defend its use.