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表皮冷却系统针对性可调的安全性。Safety, with corium cooling system of pertinency adjustable.

体育教育必须力求实用性和针对性。Physical education must strive for practicability and pertinency.

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存在代理成本情况下公司股利政策的相关性研究。Agency costs and the pertinency of the dividend policy of the company.

鼓动性、简洁性和针对性是广告英语修辞的三大特点。Agitation, brevity and pertinency are the three characteristics of advertisement rhetoric.

其意义在于能够使第二语言教学更为高效,更具针对性。Its significance lies in the further efficiency and pertinency of the second language teaching.

流动人口在空间分布上与吸毒者具有较大的相关性。And there is obvious pertinency between floating population and druggers in spatial distribution.

培养服务外包人才应该更加注重标准化、高效率及加强针对性。To cultivate outsourcing talent, we should pay more attention to standardization, high efficiency and pertinency.

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特别是通过CNMARC的应用,极大地提高了书目检索的查全率和查准率。The especially application by way of CNMARC has very highly raised the recall factor and pertinency ratio of booklist retrieval.

在此基础上提出了具有针对性的降噪措施,使该摩托车行驶加速噪声显著降低。Here on basic up bring forth having pertinency steer down chirp measure, keeping motorcycle ride speeding up noise marked reduce.

目的分析了解消毒供应室职业危害因素,有针对性地采取预防措施。OBJECTIVE To analyze occupational harmful factors in department of disinfection and supply and take protective measures in pertinency.

受众的这种传播,往往渗透力强,有针对性,对大众传播的信息有着进一步的整合作用。The propagation of the audience is usually penetrating with strong pertinency and it further integrates the information of the mass media.

但其作用机制与VIP和AQP3的表达的相关性尚不十分确定,需进一步实验研究证实。However, its mechanism and the pertinency to expression of VIP and AQP3 are not yet very clear, and need further experimental studies to confirm.

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从总体分析,我国商业银行对集团客户的授信管理缺乏一整套有针对性的管理制度和操作规范。At whole analysis, our commercial banks lack a complete pertinency management system and operating procedure for credit management of group clients.

CVA利用权值来使变量集的相关性最大,可以应用在非线性情况下,而PCA、FDA、PLS均应用于线性系统。In the nonlinear situation, CVA utilized weights for maximum pertinency in variable field. However, PCA, FDA, and PLS are all belong to the liner system.

民族地区党的思想建设必须提高针对性、实效性,进行理论创新和实践创新,要充分认识加强民族地区党的思想建设的重要性。The construction must be of pertinency and practical and creative with a fully aware of the importance of the ideological construction in minority regions.

分区保护主要在古城区实施整体分区与细化分区,形成具有针对性的分区控制。Subarea protection puts overall subarea and thin melt subarea into practice mainly in ancient city area , the subarea having a pertinency controls formation.

实际上,仅仅通过每周两节的体育课来促进学生的心理健康无论在时间上还是针对性上都是不够全面的。E courses, while in fact, it's really not enough to promote students' psychological healthiness only through two P. E lessons each week, whether from time or pertinency.

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立足实际,突出重点,努力增强知识产权审判服务大局的针对性和有效性。I. Based on reality, highlighting the key points and striving to enhance the pertinency and effectiveness of intellectual property trials in serving the overall objective.

通过本案例开发实践,我们认为研发一套实用、方便、有针对性的工具软件十分重要。By using the demo practice we think that practicality, conveniency and pertinency tool software is very important and can make development easily and operation effectively.

开展实践教学是提高高校思想政治理论课教学针对性和实效性的重要途径。To start practical teaching is an important approach to increase the pertinency and efficiency in the teaching of the theoretical course of ideology and politics in universities.