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第二年,哥萨克在巴托格取得胜利。The following year saw Cossack victory at Batoh.

哥萨克兵死去了,马还在挣扎。The Cossack was dead, the horse was still struggling.

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“你用什么喂鸡”,有一天一个哥萨克人跑来问他。“What are you feeding that chicken?” asks the Cossack.

一个副官带着一名哥萨克从街上急驰而过。An adjutant galloped down the street, followed by a Cossack.

最终是这位哥萨克领袖急切的恳求使他拿定了主意。It was an urgent entreaty from the Cossack leader that made up his mind.

那个哥萨克把孩子抱下马,把他带到杰尼索夫跟前。Cossack got off his horse, lifted the boy down, and came with him to Denisov.

如今,哥萨克统领与沙皇一起向波兰共和国进军。Together the Cossack Hetmanate and Tsardom of Moscow march on the Polish Republic.

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在桥上他碰见一个落在后面的哥萨克后,继续往前冲。At the bridge he jostled against a Cossack who had lagged behind, and he galloped on.

俄罗斯哥萨克舞蹈之后是霹雳舞和演绎过来的纱巾舞。Russian Cossack dancing is followed by break-dancing and an interpretive scarf dance.

关于坚持使用更为样板,而新的外观趋势,和哥萨克来了。thei adhere about in the appearance boilerplate while newer cossack trend came by and by.

还有1000公里到达赤塔的首府,一个老式的哥萨克中心。Another 1,000 kilometers brings one to the regional capital of Chita, an old Cossack center.

还有1000公里到达赤塔的首府,一个老式的哥萨克中心。Another 1, 000 kilometers brings one to the regional capital of Chita, an old Cossack center.

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他停下马匹的哥萨克也是其中之一,从鞍囊袋拔出一支同一些。The Cossack also got off his horse and from one of the saddle-bags drew out a sack with something in it.

今年赶皮毛潮流,戴一款俄罗斯哥萨克帽走在阴寒的伦敦街头,暖意融融。Getting on board the fur trend, Fearne Cotton walks the wintry streets of London in a white Russian cossack hat.

他说,一旦可以自给自足,阿尔巴济诺的300多哥萨克后裔就可以从联邦边防军那里接手戍边任务。Once self-sufficient, he says, Albazino's 300-odd Cossack descendants can take over border duties from the federal guards.

哥萨克酋长国是博赫丹。梅利尼茨基统领领导的由狂放彪悍的战士组成的乌克兰王国。The Cossack Hetmanate, a Ukrainian state comprised of wild-spirited independent fighters lead by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

最近的台子上坐着一个鞑靼人,从扔在旁边的制服看来,大概是一个哥萨克。On the table nearest sat a Tatar , probably of a Cossack regiment, judging from the uniform that had been thrown down close by.

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他是在普通顿河哥萨克制服,戴着及膝靴、件、并鞍袋吊挂在他的马鞍后面。He was in the ordinary Don Cossack uniform, wearing knee-boots and greatcoat, and had saddle-bags slung at the back of his saddle.

它可能由斯拉夫人于8世纪或9世纪建立,7世纪是一个哥萨克人的据点。Probably settled by Slavic peoples in the 8th or 9th century, it was a Cossack stronghold in the 7th century. Population, 302,000.

哥萨克板鸡焦糖洋葱和菠菜饭秘诀在此免费视频从一个专业厨师的烹饪艺术。Plate Cossack Chicken with caramelized onions and spinach rice with tips from a professional chef in this free video on culinary arts.