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美元处于霸权地位的情况已持续了半个世纪。For half a century the dollar has been the hegemonic currency.

它创造的是一个自由主义的霸权秩序,美国居于其顶端。It created a liberal hegemonic order with the U.S. at its top.

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英语作为国际通用语,目前在世界上具有实际的霸权地位。As a global language, English is now playing a hegemonic role in the world.

当时,周是所有诸侯的最高权力统领。Zhou was then the most powerful principality playing the role of hegemonic.

世界上没有其他地区,享有同等级别的,持续的霸权关注。No other part of the world has enjoyed the same level of continuous hegemonic concern.

霸权国不仅获取特权利益,也付出成本。A hegemonic country obtains privileged interests from currency hegemony, but pays costs too.

历史长河里,因为有了齐桓公的不计前嫌,才有了齐国的霸主地位。The long process of history, because of the Lord's lucky that it enjoyed Qi hegemonic position.

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在世界主义理论中,强制单一世界秩序的最好结果是霸权主义,最糟结果是民族优越感。For Beck, imposing a single world order is considered hegemonic at best and ethnocentric at worst.

上海沦陷区女作家苏青以其独特的创作题材和创作风格书写了沦陷区作家“边缘写作”的新的一页。With his unique style he weaves the anxieties of the marginal writers under the hegemonic discourse into the novel.

受到市场机制的左右,营利属性的女性网站较占优势,其不但物化女性形象,也将性别议题纳入商业体系之内。Due to the mechanism of capitalist market, the profit-driven women-focused websites are hegemonic in power relations.

沃勒斯坦霸权观对于霸权发展趋势的预测与国际政治的现实存在明显的悖反。So there is a clear paradox between Wallerstein s theoretical forecast for the hegemonic developing trends and the inter.

历史已经表明,如果一个国家的威望高涨,它就可以摆脱与一个现存霸权国家的冲突。History has shown that if a country’s national prestige skyrockets, it can free itself from a conflict with an existing hegemonic power.

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它在西方国家以东方国家为对象大力推进殖民政策的过程中,已成为一种霸权话语。It has become hegemonic label during the process when the western countries carried on their colonial policies in the eastern countries.

这一危机是权威的危机,这权威就扎根在自由主义秩序陈旧的霸权型组织安排之中。It is a crisis of authority within the old hegemonic organization of liberal order, not a crisis in the deep principles of the order itself.

由于担心中国主宰世界,以及对中国霸权野心的恐惧,导致了西方对中国的对抗。The fear of China's dominance andpreconceived notion of its hegemonic ambition have fueled the uncalled forantagonism of the West against China.

存在这样的时刻——对霸权话语来说的危机时刻——这个时候,人们必须承担使表象崩解的风险。There are moments – moments of crisis for the hegemonic discourse – when one should take the risk of provoking the disintegration of appearances.

在其他的国家,为了与美国,这个世界头号强国,展开竞争,中国必须展现仁道。In other countries, China must display humane authority in order to compete with the United States, which remains the world’s pre-eminent hegemonic power.

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新现实主义、新自由主义、建构主义分别提出了霸权合作、制度合作、共识合作理论。Neo-realism, neo-liberalism, Constructivism put forward respectively the hegemonic cooperation, institutional cooperation, consensus cooperation theories.

作者并以生殖健康领域为例,说明支配性男性气概的改变将如何影响到男性在生殖健康领域的积极参与。Besides, this paper takes the reproduction health field as an example to demonstrate how reconstruction of hegemonic masculinities influences active male participation.

美国主流国际关系理论的核心问题是霸权护持,而英国学派的核心问题是国际社会的形成与发展。Mainstream American IR theory has evolved around the problematic of hegemonic maintenance while the English School has the concept of international society at its core.