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我把他们叫做中国的“新贵族”。I call them China's "New Aristocracy".

人们说贵族阶级已是日薄西山了。People said the aristocracy was effete.

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他反对对于贵族阶级的奉承。He objected to the toadying to aristocracy.

德布罗意出身贵族家庭。De Broglie was the child of French aristocracy.

大多数惰性元素被贵族所发现。Many of them were discovered by the aristocracy.

盖尔人是一个穷兵黩武,专横暴戾的贵族阶层。The gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy.

他也许夸大了这群特权阶级的人数He probably over-judged the scale of that aristocracy.

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贵族子弟由私人教师来教授。Children of the aristocracy were taught by private mentors.

于是巧克力成了只有贵族才能吃得起的奢侈品。Chocolate became a luxury only the aristocracy could afford.

这种自律性只有六朝的贵族才有。Such self-discipline only have the Six Dynasties aristocracy.

但是他们和上古时代的氏族贵族不一样。But they and the antiquity of the clan aristocracy not the same.

萨克雷是贵族社会的优雅世界的小说家。Thackeray was the novelist of the elegant world of the aristocracy.

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也就是说,那是一种贵族政体,一种贵族共和。That is to say it is a kind of aristocracy or an aristocratic republic.

对于某些人来说,通用汽车的垮台为美国劳工贵族敲响了最后的丧钟。For some, GM's fall is the final death knell for America's labour aristocracy.

罗曼努斯实际上放弃了对于贵族土地所有者的限制。Romanos virtually abandoned restrictions on the landowning of the aristocracy.

这个国家从来没有出现真正的贵族和贵族传统。This country has never had a genuine aristocracy or an aristocratic tradition.

他们共养这么多人,也是培植自己的势力。By supporting these people, the aristocracy could also cultivate their own power.

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大革命时期法国许多贵族被送上断头台。Many members of the aristocracy were guillotined in France during the Revolution.

该款酒表现出了典型巴罗露酒的艺术和贵族气派。This Barolo reflects the most typical style of the wines virtuosity and aristocracy.

一个给我们维修刮泥板的人竟然认识上流社会的人士!To think that a man who mends our scraper should know any member of our aristocracy !