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温和黑色卡文迪什融合。A mild Black Cavendish blend.

卡文迪许实验室到现在还存在。And, Cavendish Lab is there to this day.

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它是通过卡文迪许实验得到验证的。It is verified through Cavendish experiment.

麦克利兰的特殊黑色卡文迪西丰富它是不够的。McClelland's special black Cavendish enriches it just enough.

从而把卡文迪什推上了其历史发展的巅峰。Moreover, he pushed the Cavendish to the peak in it's history.

无可质疑地,板烟正面临真正的问题。There is no doubt that the Cavendish is facing a real problem.

然而生物学家表示,真正的问题在板烟香蕉。However, the real problem lies with the Cavendish , say biologists.

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混合加工黑甜卡文迪西和温和的芭里烟草。Blended with sweet processed Black Cavendish and mild Burley tobaccos.

卡文迪希成功夺下绿杉,在巴黎赢得最后一站。Cavendish took the green jersey in style, winning the final stage in Paris.

融合了成熟维吉尼亚和轻微的黑卡文迪西一些芳香芭里。A blend of ripe Virginias and mild Black Cavendish with some aromatic Burleys.

这个黑色的卡文迪西是潮湿的和暗黑色的,抽斗的时候会带一点愉快的甜味。This Black Cavendish is moist and black and has a pleasant sweet burning aroma.

许多能够拯救板烟香蕉的基因已经没了。Many of the genes which could have saved the Cavendish may already have been lost.

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考克饶夫1924年从约克郡来到卡文迪什,华尔顿1927年从爱尔兰来。Cockcroft came to the Cavendish from Yorkshire in 1924, Walton from Ireland in 1927.

柠檬烟丝中等混合,打破芭里-维吉尼亚卡文迪西和特别黑。A medium mixture of lemon ribbon, broken Burley-Virginia Cavendish and Special Black.

落日熏风最上等的弗吉尼亚烟,白肋烟及黑板烟拼配而成。This excellent mixture is a blend of first choice Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish.

讨人喜欢的组合的维吉尼亚和柔软的,糕状的卡文迪西混合。坚果的味道。A delightful combination of Virginias and soft, cut cake Burley Cavendish. Nutty flavor.

成熟维吉尼亚添加到烤卡文迪西创造一个更加复杂融合。Ripe Virginias are added to Toasted Cavendish to create a more complex, mild smoking blend.

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优雅的自然香甜味的烤卡文迪西和丰富的烟雾。Elegant Vanilla with the natural sweetness of Toasted Cavendish for a smooth and rich smoke.

在这里就英国经济对卡文迪什实验室的影响作了一个粗浅的讨论。The influence of the British economy upon the Cavendish Laboratory is discussed simply here.

英国选手卡文迪希赢得代表冲刺王的绿衫。The green jersey competition for the best sprinter was won by the British racer Mark Cavendish.