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你出身于一个居无定所的家庭。You come from an itinerant family.

而梦的阡陌间,我在流浪。But on the way of dream, I'm itinerant.

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1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s.

过去,流动的商人出售有毒的产品。In the past itinerant merchants sold harmful products.

流动的自行车修理摊几乎在每条街道都可以找到。Itinerant bike repairmen can be found on almost every street.

就在同一年,一个黑人巡回传教士抵达了洛杉矶。In the same year an itinerant black preacher arrived in Los Angeles.

殖民时期的美洲很需要巡回传教士。There was a strong demand for itinerant preachers in colonial America.

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目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers.

目前,针对流动务工佣人的疑难展开了普遍的争论。There is a general debate heeasystays acres the problem of itinerant stayers.

卓别林,他的童年,在操场上和巡回剧团卖艺或零工。Chaplin his childhood in the playground and itinerant troupes busk or odd jobs.

这是山东省临沂市沂水县的科学巡回展。This is the itinerant science exhibition in Yishui County in the city of Linyi of Shandong Province.

他是一个游学的中国哲学家和圣人,一个主要传播儒学的哲学家据称,他是孔子孙子子思的学生。He was an itinerant Chinese philosopher and sage , and one of the principal interpreters of Confucianism.

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作为东京的一名网络编辑,现年24岁的她想通过这种漂泊式的生活方式来丰富自己的履历。Working as a website editor in Tokyo, the 24-year-old is using her itinerant lifestyle to improve her CV.

作为东京的一名网络编辑,现年24岁的她想通过这种漂泊式的生活方式来丰富自己的履历。Working as a website editor in Tokyo, the 24-year-old is using her itinerant lifestyle to improve her CV.

在这个合金系统中巡游电子磁性和局域磁矩的表现都很明显。In this alloy system, both itinerant electron magnetism and localized magnetic moments appear very clearly.

与1995年多数商品都是卖给流动商贩相比,2006年,多数的牧民市场直接在省里或乌兰巴托。In 2006, most herders market directly in Aimag or UB, compared to 1995, when most sold to itinerant traders.

大约1906年,以演唱说故事为主要形式的演出在田间地头流行开来。Around 1906, itinerant performers began entertaining farmers with a show combining singing and stories-telling.

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公园里满是慢跑者和遛狗的人,但是没有人多看这两个“树居者”一眼。Joggers and dog walkers filled the park, but nobody appeared to give the itinerant tree-dwellers a second glance.

大约一个月左右,一个流动的银行职员来到一个村庄,进行了贷款和其他金融服务的局部访问。Once a month or so, an itinerant teller visits a village, giving localsaccess to loans and other banking services.

我作过闯江湖的歌手,当过马戏班的演员,我能象雷奥达一样在悬空的秋千架上飞腾,我能象布龙丹一样在绳索上跳舞。I've been an itinerant singer , a circus rider, when I used to vault like Leotard, and dance on a rope like Blondin.