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这件事被大肆夸张了。The matter is much exaggerated.

这事实被夸大得令人难以置信。The fact is incredibly exaggerated.

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这是对小丑一种夸大了的恐惧。It is an exaggerated fear of clowns.

夸张的语言将被忽略。Exaggerated language will be ignored.

没有华丽的语辞,没有夸张的陈述。No cute words, no exaggerated statements.

泰勒的沙漏体型被放大了Taylor's Hour-Glass Figure Was Exaggerated

所以说,法战的威胁实际上被夸大了。The lawfare threat is greatly exaggerated.

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一方面,这对一些人来说有点夸张了。For one thing, it seemed exaggerated to some people.

出位的打扮也使她显得更像异类。Her exaggerated image also made her rather different.

夸大产品性能误导消费者。Consumer of misdirect of exaggerated product function.

为什么天使的角色在电影或电视上被夸大呢?Why is that angle exaggerated in the movies and on TV?

稳定性带来的好处有可能被夸大。The benefits of stability are likely to be exaggerated.

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当然,我所说的这些多少有点言过其实Of course, everything I'm saying is somewhat exaggerated.

用夸张的、戏剧的方式表达情绪。Expresses emotion in exaggerated and theatrical ways. 074.

显然“两个神骑定九州”的论点多少有点言过其实。The "two- shotting" is a little exaggerated in most cases.

但就此宣称资本主义的末日已到,也太过夸大其词。But rumours of the death of capitalism have been exaggerated.

但其内容和演出者的夸张表演值得商榷。But the content and exaggerated performances are questionable.

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虽然这幅图有点夸张,但是当今这种现象并不罕见。Exaggerated as it is, the phenomenon is not uncommon nowadays.

他们夸大敌人的损失,而把自己的损失说得很轻微。They exaggerated the enemy's losses and understated their own.

这里拉美西斯夸大他的规模和他的英雄功绩。Here Ramses exaggerated his size—and possibly his heroic feats.