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那个进球被裁判判为越位。The goal was called offside by the referee.

那个进球被裁判判为越位。Thee goal was called offside by the referee.

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那么,他们老是在谈论的越位是怎么回事?So, what's this offside thing they keep going on about?

同样的这个边裁却举旗了。The same linesman instantly raised his flag for offside.

但德国队队员都冲出了禁区,打了一个反越位。Norway rushed out of the penalty area to set an offside trap.

如果是突前前锋的话将会寻找反越位的机会并创造进球。Advanced forward looking to break the offside trap and running at goal.

唉,因为没有现场语音解说,越位判定仍然是一个谜。Alas, there’s no audio commentary so the offside rule remains a mystery.

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当一个决定性的进球被另一个瞎子吹成了越位。When the decisive goal is waived offside by another incorrect lines-blind.

这名英格兰U16的国脚还有两个进球被判越位。The England U16 international had another two goals chalked off for offside.

造越位战术是利用规则而设计的一种防守战术。Building offside tactics is one kind when use regulation and design defends tactics.

帕雷德斯的进球我觉得好像是越位,但是没有判罚也意味着那时一个好球。Paredes goal seemed offside to me, but it wasn't called so that means that it was good.

阿根廷前锋踢进墨西哥的的越位球却算进。And then an Argentinean goal against Mexico was given, despite the striker being offside.

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布兰迪13分钟让英格兰取得领先,他反越位成功轻松破门。Brandy put England in front after 13 minutes when he beat the offside trap and finished neatly.

在第39分钟时,伊利耶终于打入一球,还被判越位在先。When the 39th minute, Yiliye scores a goal finally, but is also sentenced the offside in first.

在天足里,我们一直在谈论曾经你们和切尔西的比赛,越位进球,犯规进球!In the natural feet, we have been talking about you and Chelsea had the game, offside goals, foul goals!

如果一名球员,同时比球和对方的倒数第二名球员更接近对方的球门线,那么他就处于越位位置。A player is in an offside position if he is nearer to his opponents' goal line than the second last opponent.

这是毫无争议的越位,就连小孩子站边上也能看得出。There was absolutely no doubt about the offside, even a child could have seen that both players were offside.

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此后,巴西球员苏格拉底明显越位后攻入的进球,被认为是全场比赛中唯一有效的进球,无疑是为西班牙队的伤口加了把盐。To rub salt into Spanish wounds, Socrates was clearly offside when he nodded in the game's only allowed goal.

第15分钟贝克福德送进利物浦的网窝,但是边裁举旗示意越位在先。Jermaine Beckford had put the ball into the back of the net inside 15 minutes but the flag went up for offside.

我认为边裁举旗时是越位,裁判吹哨时才是点球,”安切洛蒂说道。I think offside when the linesman puts his flag up and a penalty is when the referee whistles, ” Ancelotti said.