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我喜欢喝粥。I love congee.

我吃一些稀粥。I had some congee.

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我点的是鱼球粥。Fish Fillet Congee.

你可以做稀饭。You can make congee.

我喜欢喝小米粥。I like millet congee.

想家的病只能煮粥来安抚!Drt scallop congee for home sick!

早饭还是那一成不变的粥。Once again, I had congee for breakfast.

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鱼胶捏成鱼丸,放滚粥内煮熟。Shape fish paste into balls. Cook in congee.

你喜欢很老的蛋配的粥。You like congee with thousand-year-old eggs.

减少吃饭,改吃粥或汤米粉Eat less steamed rice, more congee and noodles

白粥,鸡肉粥,小米粥。Plain Congee, Chicken Congee, Yellow rice Congee.

香芋扣肉,炝油菜心,米饭,小米粥。Taro cream pork , fried rape, rice, millet congee.

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我早餐常吃稀饭配豆腐乳。I often have fermented tofu with my morning congee.

我要两个春卷和一份广式肉粥。I'll have two spring rolls and a portion of congee.

要治口臭症中国家常菜中国家常菜,荔枝与粥炖。To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.

稀粥里的营养少得可怜,算是很低的要求了。Congee is a thin gruel, containing little nourishment.

汉堡,美式炒蛋,核桃薏米粥。Perl barley congee with nut, scrambled eggs, hamburger.

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你最常在哪个时段光顾粥店?。Which period do you mostly patronize Congee restaurant?

皮蛋瘦肉粥。正确的早餐粥。Preserved egg and pork congee. Yay for breakfast congee.

你最常光顾哪一类型的粥店?。Which type of Congee restaurant do you mostly patronize?