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我能见到太阳公公吗?Can I reach the sun?

你也许永远构不到它。You may never reach it.

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你抵达十字路口。You reach a cross-road.

造呢,是指到达。"Zao" means "to reach".

对你总是遥望不可及。You always look to reach.

我何时才能到达谷顶?And when would I reach it?

如果我可以够到彩虹…Lfl could reach a rainbow.

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请把糖递给我。Reach me the sugar,please.

你们何时抵达伦敦的?When did you reach London?

和你有求的联系?。And you reach for the link?

我们能够攀登高峰。We can reach great heights.

我们什么时候能到海边?When do we reach the coast?

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手举高!碰碰耳朵!Reach high! Touch your ears!

手举高!碰碰鼻子!Reach high! Touch your nose!

我可够得着那个电铃。The bell is within my reach.

从而到达祛斑效果。To reach the freckle effect.

俯下身子然后出示三。Reach down and Show us three.

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因此你又一次去吃披萨了。So you reach for pizza again.

攀登你的巅峰,追求你的目标!Reach for your peak, yur goal!

我什么时候能联系到主席?When can I reach the chairman?