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这是我的义务。This is my duty.

今天他值日。He's on duty today.

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一个值班人员。An operator on duty.

今天我歇班。I am off duty today.

我已尽了我的责任。I lave done my duty.

今天是我值日。Today is my on duty.

任务在身,你懂的。Duty calls, you know.

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责任感激励着我。My duty pricks me on.

没有救生员。No lifeguard on duty.

你今天值日吗?Are you on duty today?

道义抑制本能。Duty subdues instinct.

献血是我们的义务。To donate is our duty.

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她没有履行她的职责。She failed in her duty.

代扣代缴印花税!Withholding stamp duty.

你有责任去生儿育女。Your duty to procreate.

他未尽到责任。He fails to do his duty.

我可以不值夜。I am excused night duty.

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今天晚上是我的班儿。I'll be on duty tonight.

照看这些晓树是他们的职责。It's their duty to look.

把你的工作视为一种责任。View your job as a duty.