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萨拉,哦,对不起。Sarah oh, sorry.

你是如何遇见莎拉的?How did you meet Sarah?

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握紧她的拳头。Sarah clenched her fists.

她就是——莎拉·布莱曼!Her name is Sarah Brightman!

他可能是跟萨拉在一起。Probably, he was with Sarah.

莎拉从她身旁挤进去。Sarah squeezed in beside her.

莎拉裴琳准备2012年选总统?。Is Sarah Palin gunning for 2012?

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告诉Sarah去照看孩子们。Tell Sarah to go watch the kids.

莎拉-韦恩-卡里斯的回应Response from Sarah Wayne Callies

历久而不衰的绝妙好曲!Another good song from Sarah Chen.

他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?B. Sarah likes doing word puzzles.

莎拉有一些稀奇古怪的想法。Sarah has some off-the-wall ideas.

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莎拉抱着泰迪熊紧密。Sarah held her teddy bear tightly.

萨拉与女佣发生了争执。Sarah quarrels with the charwoman.

我的熟人中很少有人喜欢赛拉。Few of my acquaintances like Sarah.

我有一个小表妹名叫莎莱。I have a little cousin named Sarah.

爸爸,莎拉说,这很公平。K. Daddy, Sarah said. That is fair.

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莎拉打烂了一只破口的盘子。Sarah dropped a plate and chipped it.

莎拉在纸上乱涂乱画。Sarah is doodling on a piece of paper.

“我想我是吊床反对者,”莎拉说。“Ithink I’m anti-hammock, ” Sarah said.