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蒂姆热情地招呼她。Tim greets her warmly.

她热情地握我的手。She pressed my hand warmly.

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阿岱对瑞拉温和地笑了笑。Adai smiled warmly at Rilla.

朋友们热烈地拥抱。The friends warmly embraced.

热烈欢迎到我们班来。Warmly welcome to our class!

他和我们热情地握手。He shook hands warmly with us.

我的父母称赞阿富热烈。My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.

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苟杳非常热情地招待了他。Gou Yao received him very warmly.

她热情地回答他说,很喜欢他。Her answer was warmly in his favour.

太阳又开始温暖地照耀着,云雀在歌唱,美丽的春天已经来临了。The sun began to shine warmly again.

他们都热情地夸起吴大婶来。They fell to praising Aunt Wu warmly.

我们见面时他紧握住我的手。He pressed my hand warmly when we met.

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川龙公司欢迎你的到来!We are here warmly welcome your visit!

合肥学院热情欢迎您的到来!Warmly Welcome you to Hefei University!

热诚欢迎果品同业者加入中国果协。Warmly welcome fruit society to join us.

欢迎你亲自光临本店。谢谢!Warmly welcome to our store, thank you !

克拉克先生和桑迪与她热情握手。Mr Clark and Sandy shook her hand warmly.

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她热情地向我们伸出了双手。She warmly extended both hands towards us.

他们把他当作我的好朋友热情接待。They welcomed him warmly as my best friend.

凯瑟琳走上前来,热情地拥抱他。Katherine walked up and embraced him warmly.