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这是基本概念。This is the basic idea.

这是概率论中最基本的概念So that's the basic idea.

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好,就是个基本的房车。Yeah, it's just basic RV.

因此我们现在弄懂了这个基本概念。So you see the basic idea.

我们主要有三趟旅游。We have three basic tours.

橄榄油是海鲜饭的基本佐料。Olive oil is basic to paella.

最基本的问题是双重的。The basic problem is twofold.

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和他们的基本参数。And to their basic parameters.

它有一些基本的通风系统。It has some basic ventilation.

下面是基本的笔刷设置。Below is my basic brush set-up.

请确保处于基本模式。Make sure you're in basic mode.

基本前提是什么?So what are the basic premises?

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基本实践塑制了“人”。The basic practicemoulds "man."

他还在上体能基础课,营养课还没碰过呢。He's still taking Basic Fitness.

就从基本概念开始吧。Let's start with the basic idea.

基本的准备工作。Mise en place basic preparation.

给出了基本配方。Their basic recept is presented.

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那你跟她学点基本功。Learn some basic skills from her.

一个基本原则是重构。The basic principle is reframing.

学习基本的急救和心肺复生术。Learn basic first aid and C. P. R.