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但这种归类总让人感到是任意而为的。But ranking them just feels arbitrary.

考虑将客户分类或排列。Consider categorizing or ranking them.

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她的排名就要跌落,而且很快。Her ranking could fall far, and quickly.

他说,“中国人只关注等级”。The Chinese only care about the ranking.

一位最高级别的将军投敌了。A top ranking general defected to the enemy.

另外还有就是对影响力和流行程度的排名。Ranking by influnce or popularity is another.

小花花对家里的人有自己很清楚严格的排名。Huahua has a strict ranking of people in her head.

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目前斯坦伯格将军是军衔最高的军官。General steinberger is the ranking officer present.

这种新的排名方法制造了一些惊喜。The new method of ranking throws up some surprises.

在名次表里,我们排在第二位。We are in the second place in the table of ranking.

我国将很快开启职称评定的改革。China will soon begin reform of professional ranking.

做百度推广会不会影响自然排名?Baidu to do Promotion will not affect natural ranking?

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在2010年世界大学评估排名中,伯明翰大学位列第59名。We've been placed 59th in the QS World ranking in 2010.

相比之下生胡萝卜则有较低的血糖排名。Raw carrots, by comparison, have a low glycemic ranking.

以下是应答者评选出的爱情名句排行榜A list of quotes and their ranking by respondents follows

这本书在畅销书排行榜上名列首位。This book ranks first on the ranking list of best-sellers.

人民解放军的干部包括军官和文职干部。Cadres of the PLA include officers and non- ranking cadres.

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我们有一个伟大的排名名单数千品种。We have a great list with thousands assortments of ranking.

这些排名是根据他们的价格计算,稀有性和使用。These ranking is based on their price value, rarity and usage.

伦常纲纪一直备受传统社会推重。Ranking Ethnics has beer always adored in conventional society.