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我靠近第二个检查站。I approached the second checkpoint.

每隔100米就有一个检查站。Every 100 meters there is a checkpoint.

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黄昏时分,一辆车停在了一个阿富汗的检查站。At dusk, a car stops at a checkpoint in Afghanistan.

约翰•贝克离开赛程中的尼古拉站时排在第三名位置。John Baker leaves the Nikolai checkpoint in third place.

参赛者必须听检查点负责人的话。Racers must obey rules given by the checkpoint managers.

当然他可以重玩失败的关卡。Of course he can re-play of the failure of the checkpoint.

过第二道关时天已是黄昏了。When I arrived at the second checkpoint it was already dark.

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在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开阵势,准备迎战一名持枪者。French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.

停止与复制阶段的结果本身就是一个检查点。The result of the stop-and-copy phase is a checkpoint in itself.

每个检查点的项目可交付性的综合列表。A comprehensive list of project deliverables for each checkpoint.

第一个检查站的人很友好,但是绝不谄媚。The guys in the first checkpoint were friendly but not overly so.

着重讨论了检查点和进程迁移两大高可用技术。We emphasize on the HA technique of Checkpoint and Process Migration.

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当发出该命令时,将等待来自主要服务器的检查点请求。When this command is issued, it waits for checkpoint request from primary.

一位叛乱分子告诉正在通过他的哨卡前往贝达的司机。one rebel fighter told drivers passing his checkpoint on the way to Bayda.

纪念碑坐落在检查哨过去东德这一侧的土地上。It sits on land that was formerly on the East German side of the checkpoint.

该形式将通过执行最后的检查点来关闭单个数据库。This form will shut down a single database by performing a final checkpoint.

抵达尼古拉站点后,杰森•巴朗将外套盖在雪橇狗身上。Jason Barron puts coats on his team after arriving at the Nikolai checkpoint.

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八名警察在墨西哥一个警察检查站遭遇的袭击中遇难。Eight policemen have been killed in an attack on a police checkpoint in Mexico.

您也可以使用最后一个检查点来显示整个集成场景。You can also use the last checkpoint to show the complete integration scenario.

每一个例行程序和检查点都有一个明确的成本,主要是生产效率。Every extra procedure and checkpoint has a definite cost, mainly in productivity.