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他们的主题是“市民性的互锁”。Their title of project is "Civic Interlock".

公民是否该有为自己国家服兵役的义务?Is there a civic duty to serve one's country?

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市政中心类似于大会中心。Civic centers are similar to convention centers.

该项目为青龙县市政广场。The project is named as "Qinglong County Civic Square".

简言之,你会说那是,缺乏公民虔诚或尊重。In short you might say a lack of civic piety or respect.

城市街道景观是展示城市文化的窗口。The urban streetscape is a window displaying the civic culture.

亵渎神明与腐化,这两个罪名词汇的意义究竟为何?Impiety and corruption ? in what sense are these civic offenses?

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洛克深入探讨了公民社会中各种权力之间相互制衡的问题。Locke discusses power check-and-balance system in civic society.

上证所的新计划作为一个金融中心,公民的含义。The new SSE is planned as a financial center with civic meaning.

萨拉克斯是一名会计师,他说,这是公民义务的问题。Andrejs Salaks, an accountant, says it is a question of civic duty.

旅游“武器的皮奥里亚文娱中心5月6日。Fourth, "and" tourism, "weapons "of" Peoria Civic Center on May "6.

在市区活动中与邻居交谈或者创建一个家居心灵团体。Meet neighbors at civic events or start an in-home spiritual group.

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这个倡议将为民间组织和民主鼓吹者提供活动空间。It would make space for civic organizations and democratic activists.

1948年1月5日,烟雾使得洛杉矶市政大厦让人难以分辨。Smog makes it hard to see the Los Angeles Civic Center on Jan. 5, 1948.

在研究美国的公民道德时,感恩必须是核心和第一位的。In a study of American civic virtues, gratitude must be front and center.

如今,人们不再对民间机构和政府抱有幻想。These days everyone is disenchanted with civic institutions and government.

有预谋的犯罪仍然是对米兰市民的永远的威胁。Organised crime continues to be the perpetual scourge of Milanese civic life.

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亚协正推动文化了解及加强公民事务参与。QARI seeks to promote cultural understanding and enhance civic participation.

拜访中国社工协会并与民政局副局长会面。Visit China Association of Social Workers and met the Ministry of Civic Affairs.

其中制造最多的是本田思域和本田雅阁。Among these the most manufactured cars were the Honda Civic and the Honda Accord.