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潮女很多。So many tide girls.

潮水退下去了。The tide ebbed away.

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涨潮了。The tide is heaving.

红潮悄悄褪去。Red tide quietly fade.

潮起必有潮落。Every tide has its ebb.

高浪什么时候来?What time is high tide?

潮水在沙上留下了波洑沙纹。The tide rippled the sand.

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潮妹天真,玩波踏浪。Naive tide girls, play wave.

时间不会为任何人停留。Time and tide wait for noman.

一种新风尚盛行起来。A new tide of fashion sets in.

光阴似箭,日月如梭。时间是风,去而不返。Time and tide wait for no man.

我们乘涨潮时出海。We put out to sea at high tide.

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我的灵魂是一潭死水。And my soul was a stagnant tide.

滑沙现在真的很“潮”。Slide on sand now really "tide".

又是一次“满月潮”。There is another full-moon tide.

潮水使船漂流。The boat was floated by the tide.

潮水退向了远方。The tide receded to the distance.

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下次满潮时船就可以浮起来了。The next tide will float the ship.

潮还在涨,潮还在落。And the tide rises, the tide falls.

但是,这种努力可以扭转局面吗?But can such efforts stem the tide?