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将清关后的货物交付给收货人。Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee.

告知收货人或代理货物到达信息。Notify consignee or agent of arrival of shipments.

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向收货人或代理提交货运文件。Make available cargo documents to consignee or agent.

收货人是否向责任方申请赔偿。Has claim been lodged by Consignee with responsible parties?

请在合同中注明发货方及收货方。Please indicate the consignor and consignee in the contract.

请向收货人收取三正两副提单。Please be charged to the consignee tri-n-two bills of lading.

收方客户要求改派其他地址。The consignee requests to deliver the shipment to another address.

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收货人在提货时曾否出给清洁收据?Has a Clean Receipt been given by the Consignee at time of delivery?

收货单位和报验单位可以为同一单位。The consignee and the applicant for inspection may be the same entity.

韩国件产生的海关税费将由韩国收派员按照单据向到件客户收取。Customs tax will be collected by courier upon shipment delivery to consignee.

某公司应收货人的要求,签发了清洁提单。The some company countersigned to sweep bill of lading at the request of consignee.

第二百九十二条旅客、托运人或者收货人应当支付票款或者运输费用。Article 292 The passenger, consignor or consignee shall pay the fare or the freight.

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承运人必须凭检疫证明方可承运。Any consignee must undertake the shipment on the strength of the quarantine certificate.

货物周末已到岸。我方于货物抵达时通知收货方,收货方要求使用自己的代理商接货。We notify consignee upon arrival today. Consignee request use their own broker for their entry.

进口货件截件改派服务费以现金或收件人之出口60帐号结算。Import Shipment Redirection Service Fee will be billed by cash or outbound 60 account of consignee.

法律没有加诸收货人必须提取到港货物的义务。The law does not impose the consignee an obligation to take delivery of the goods at the port of destination.

收货单位,是指购货合同和货运发票中载明的收货人或者货主。A recipient entity refers to the consignee or consignor specified in the purchase contract and shipping invoice.

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希望贵公司将具体计划以及作为代售人有何要求,简略见告。Will you please give us an outline of your concrete sales plan as well as your terms for acting as our consignee.

收货人和他的报关行从来没有通知我们这个情况,知道今天,我知道你肯定也没有通知到!The consignee and his custom agency never informed to us this situation, until today that together to yours we know.

装运信息应在离港日通知到我公司和我公司确定的收货人。Our company and the consignee determined by our company shall be advised about a shipment on the day of its dispatch.