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她仿佛来到了梦幻世界。She seemed to have entered a dreamworld.

爱情是把幻想变成现实的尝试。Love is an attempt to change a piece of dreamworld into reality.

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神秘园乐队为上海的观众创造了一个梦幻般的世界。The Secret Garden band created a dreamworld to Shanghai audience.

这部影片,将残酷的现实与芭蕾舞的幻想世界结合在一起,展示的画面并不一定就是事实。The film, which weds gritty realism with the dreamworld of the ballet, is an unreliable witness.

入睡本身就是一件很难的事情了。想要在梦乡中充分得到休息又是一件完全不同的麻烦事。Falling asleep is difficult enough. Getting real rest when you're off in dreamworld is something else altogether.

因此,他雇了制造景观的艺术家、雕刻家和石匠,来将这个梦幻世界变为现实。Accordingly, he employed scenic artists, sculptors, and stonemasons to turn that dreamworld into concrete reality.

是以,他雇了制造景不美观的艺术家、雕镂家和石匠,来将这个梦幻世界变为现实。Accordingly, he employed scenic artists, sculptors, and stonemasons to turn that dreamworld into concrete reality.

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但这些都没能够阻止华纳兄弟发起另一场竞选冲击,为它的梦想激励器押下了双重赌注。But none of that is stopping the studio from making another campaign push, doubling down on its dreamworld thriller.

让我们误以为它是真实的,这是大多数梦境的一种本质属性——在梦中我们并不知道自己身处梦幻世界。It is the nature of most dreams that we take them for reality — while dreaming we are unaware that we are in fact in a dreamworld.

年轻的路德维希国王受到瓦格纳歌剧的启发,想要再造传说中中世纪骑士英雄们的奇幻世界。Inspired by Richard Wagner's operas, the young King Ludwig sought to re-create the legendary dreamworld of medieval knights and heroes.

年青的路德维希国王遭到瓦格纳歌剧的开导,想要再造传说中中世纪骑士好汉们的奇异天下。Inspired by Richard Wagner's operas, the young King Ludwig sought to re-create the legendary dreamworld of medieval knights and heroes.

正如我们在今年夏天早些时候说过,我们过去数月在正常时间表的同时亦在升级我们的梦幻世界技术平台。As we explained earlier in the summer we set aside these last few months for the upgrade to our underlying Dreamworld technology platform alongside the normal development schedule.