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因此,这看起来像是一致的。Thus, this doesn't look like just a coincident.

此判断与地震测深的结果一致。This inference is coincident with deep seismic sounding.

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危险率函数曲线与死亡率曲线形式一致。And the curve forms of danger scale function and mortality function were coincident.

结果表明,仿真数据与实验符合得很好。The results showed that the simulation data coincident well with the experimental results.

麦卡勒姆规则比泰勒规则更符合我国的国情。Fifthly, McCallum rule is more coincident with the situation of our country than Taylor rule.

箱体组合暗合了外部的景观与内部的院落空间关系。Coincident with the external tank mix landscape and spatial relationships within the courtyard.

“生命冲动”,“生命力量”的出现是与功能的出现相重合的。The emergence of an “élan vital, ” a “life force” was coincident with the emergence of function.

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因此,同时发生的太阳辐射、干球和湿球温度应当合理选择。Hence, coincident solar irradiance, dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures should be properly selected.

得到的风速时程样本的功率谱密度与目标曲线吻合很好。The power spectrum of wind speed time series sample is coincident with the aim power spectrum curve.

用此方法测量了某聚合物分散液晶的折射率,与用其他方法得到的结果相符。The refractive index of the PDLC is measured and it is coincident with the results by other methods.

把侦查活动及其规律作为侦查学的研究对象符合该标准。Making the investigative activities and their rule as the objectives is coincident with the standard.

目的通过与手术、病理对照分析研究,探明B超诊断胃癌符合率。Objective To ascertain diagnostic coincident rate of B Model Echography with operation and pathology.

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这些变化表明,当拍照片的时候,虎头移动了,这与周先生的描述是一致的。These variations indicate movement of tiger head while taking the photo, which seems coincident as Mr.

测定结果与四苯硼化钾重量法结果一致。The results obtained have been compared with the gravimetric method of potassium-TPB, and both are coincident.

并结合轿车车门焊接的实际,分析了焊后车门铰链的变形趋势,取得了与试验结果相一致的结论。Then the distortion tendency of car door hinge was analyzed in the end and coincident conclusions were gained.

消费贷款组合月份从15.5个月增加到15.9个月。Coincident months of coverage on the consumer portfolio increased sequentially to 15.9 months from 15.5 months.

当前,我国学界对恶意民事诉讼存在着多种理解,尚未形成一致的概念。Nowadays, academic field has a lot of explaination about malicious civil lawsuit, without a coincident concept.

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这与英国、德国甚至是韩国的房地产泡沫大致相似。This bubble is roughly coincident with real estate bubbles in the United Kingdom, Germany and even South Korea.

规则参数经过修正后,FNN的输出能与负荷数据很好地吻合。After the parameters of rule have been amended, the output of FNN can be well coincident with the data of loads.

每一物种的出现在空间与时间上都对应着一个此前存在的亲缘物种。Every species come into existence in coincident both in time and space with pre-existing closely allied species.