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托比和我警惕地向对方瞪视着。Toby and I stared at each other warily.

昆塔总要警惕地闻一闻炖菜再吃。Kunta warily smelled the stew before tasting it.

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相应的,大多数的公司都是谨慎的看待隐私这个问题。Accordingly, most companies regard the entire issue warily.

她踮着脚尖沿着过道走过去。Tiptoeing down the hallway, she eyed the front door warily.

但他补充道,美国和日本将会谨慎关注。But he added that the US and Japan would be watching warily.

对这一结论的认可应持谨慎态度。This conclusion should be regarded warily for several reasons.

汤姆拔出他的手枪,警惕地向倒地的外星人移动。Tom pulled out his Sidearm and warily moved to the fallen aliens.

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弗雷德里克警惕地朝静静的橡树林四周看了看,“我想他们应该早就走远了。”He looked warily about at the quiet oaks. “I thought they were long gone.”

他小心翼翼地溜出家门到足球场跟赫在见面去了。He warily sneaked out of the house to meet HyukJae on the football ground.

中国厨师和服务员围坐在桌边,小心地打量着盒子里的奶酪。The Chinese chefs and waiting staff seated around the table eyed them warily.

莫恩格林小心地环视四周,长发刺痛了手背。Mourngrym looked warily all around, hairs prickling on the backs of his hands.

古巴方面对这些提案做出了谨慎的回应,坚持要求美国撤消封港令。Cuba has responded warily to the overtures, insisting on removal of the embargo.

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我谨慎地看着他的反应,期待着更多的忿怒。I watched his reaction warily , expecting more of the fury I'd seen at his house.

Sucre谨慎地在里面的通道中向着警卫室地面的洞口行进。Sucre warily makes his way through the tunnels to the hole in the guard room floor.

第二,中国政府正在小心地观察着微博这一成长的势力。Second, the Chinese government is watching the growing power of the microblogs warily.

独角兽尾随着他们,她小心翼翼地跟着,甚至连马儿们都没发现她在近旁。The unicorn followed them, moving so warily that not even the horses knew she was near.

尤索林从医院回到中队以后,不管见到谁都要留心地端详一番。Yossarian eyed everyone he saw warily when he returned to the squadron from the hospital.

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尤索林从医院回到中队以后,不管见到谁都要留心地端详一番。Yossarian eyed everyone he saw warily when he returned to the squadron from the hospital.

在加拿大的圣劳伦斯海湾,一头年轻的海狗正在它的冰窝里警惕的东张西望。A young fur seal looks warily around an icy whelping site in Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence.

在加拿大的圣劳伦斯海湾,一头年轻的海豹正在它的冰窝里警惕的东张西望。A young fur seal looks warily around an icy whelping site in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence.