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此种统计是没有意义的。statistically insignificant.

泰米说有这样的可能,但是从统计的角度来看又不太可能。Tami said it was possible, just statistically unlikely.

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统计术后便秘的发生率。The incidences of constipation were analyzed statistically.

根据统计我们知道,kd按照一定规律运动。Statistically we know that stochastics will behave a certain way.

在身高体重比上未发现非常重大的统计缺陷。No statistically significant deficit in weight for height was found.

据科学统计,很有可能你读这篇文章的时候正在工作。Statistically speaking, it’s likely that you’re reading this at work.

本文统计分析了西北农学院莎能羊群的产奶性能。The performance of Saanen dairy goat has been analysed statistically.

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结果分析采用卡方检验。Chi-square test is administered statistically to analysis the results.

据统计,全校直接经济损失达到8亿余元。Statistically total direct economical losses reach over 800 million RMB.

从统计上来说,要找到鳗鱼产卵的地点概率非常低。To get where eels are spawning, it's statistically very low probability.

统计显示,26英里提高到29英里,还能另外提高11分钟。Going from 26mi to 29 mi bestows an additional 11 minutes, statistically.

当富士康发生第一例自杀事件时,我虽然感到难过,但还是觉得这只是偶发事件而已。I ignored the first Foxconn suicides as sad but statistically inevitable.

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本文也对盘星系的内禀扁度进行了统计和分析。We also statistically studied the intrinsic flatness of the disk galaxies.

由此根据TPI值对该盆地原油进行了统计分类。Oils from the basin are classified statistically in the light of TPI value.

至少发现了几点显著的结果,当发现这几个差异时。At least they found statistically significant results when they came to that.

小震群的震中分布与安宁河东支断裂和库水位有关。The seismicity is statistically relative to the level of water of the reservoir.

难怪BANA阳性反应与口臭会有统计关联性。Not surprisingly, positive BANA tests are statistically associated with halitosis.

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实验过程中记錄受测者的驾驶行为表现,再进行统计分析比较。In the experiments, the driving behaviors were recorded and statistically analyzed.

结果表明氨酚待因2号片对神经痛的镇痛效果明显。The results showed that the analgesic effect of PC-2 was statistically significant.

数据表明,位于纽约州首府奥尔巴尼郊区的柯隆尼是最安全的城市。The safest city, statistically speaking, was seen as Colonie, N.Y., a suburb of Albany.