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他还提到了印度的“米糠发电系统”。He spoke of Husk Power Systems in India.

我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮?How can we remove the husk of the grains?

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一天,他把西瓜皮扔到了独木桥上。One day, he throws the husk to the single-log bridge.

碾谷机把米和糠分开。The grinding machine separates the grain from the husk.

完全炒熟的栗子会呈现出深棕色。The husk of thoroughly cooked chestnuts turns reddish brown.

燃料包括玉米杆,稻草杆,棉花杆,稻壳等。The fuels include cornstalks cotton stalks rice husk and etc.

他们打开枕头,吃掉里面填充的谷壳。They opened their pillows and consumed the corn husk filling.

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把石榴皮放在锅里熬,那石榴汤啊!Pomegranate husk on the pot to boil, then pomegranate soup ah!

说明茄子皮可作为一种饲料资源进行利用。So eggplant husk could be utilized as a kind of forage resources.

把“上古之神的外壳”再多保留几周吧,3.0.3中你会有意外惊喜的。You'll receive credit for the Husk of the Old god in 3.0.3. Just.

在尼日利亚北部凯茨那州的一个村庄里,妇女们在剥玉米叶子。Women husk corn at a village in Katsina state in northern Nigeria.

谁家有什么,不过是个旧日的空架子。This household is nothing but an empty husk left over from the past.

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而她的身体,那灵魂的居所,依然逗留徘徊,空如蝉壳。But her body lingered, shed of an inner being, empty as a cicada husk.

它的壳很容易去掉,而且果仁儿又香又甜。Its brittle husk shells easily, and its fruit tastes sweet and delicious.

当占领和支援机甲外壳时,Scrin有巨大的优势。Scrin has the massive advantage when it comes to husk capturing and support.

你采集火柴,剥橡果,叫你挖一个单独的新洞你就挖。You gather the kindling, husk the acorns, and dig a new privy hole when asked.

机械施药与人工砻糠载体二种施药方法具有相同防治效果。Both methods of mechanical spray and mannul husk carrier have the same efficacy.

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稻壳灰是具有高硅酸盐含量的谷类的一种木质的硬层。The rice husk is a ligneous hard layer of the cereal with high silicate content.

对特定油脂,白酒糟稻壳吸附剂是一种优良的亲油疏水吸附剂。The adsorbent of rice husk from distiller's grains is lipophilic and hydrophobic.

对山葡萄皮红色素的提取及稳定性进行了研究。The extraction and stability of red pigment of vitis amurensis husk were studied.