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然而他们中的有三个人每人被判了八年徒刑。Yet three of them got eight years apiece.

最大的石头每块重五吨以上。The largest stones weigh over five tonnes apiece.

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侄女慎重地给神供上一块馅饼。My niece sacredly sacrificed apiece of pie to the God.

英语只是小菜新开天龙八部私服一碟让咱们一路征服英语!English is apiece of cake. Let's conquer English together!

各有三次将军,比赛结果是平局。The series was declared a draw with three checkmates apiece.

克拉伦斯。西多夫和罗纳尔多本来也可以各进两个球。Clarence Seedorf and Ronaldo could have also scored a two apiece.

目前两队比分是二比二,采取七场四胜制的总决赛正处于紧张激战时刻。The best-of-seven NBA Finals series is now tight at two games apiece.

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扎诸纳斯·伊尔戈斯卡斯和拉­里·休斯各为克利夫兰队贡献16分。Zydrunas Ilgauskas and Larry Hughes had 16 points apiece for the Cavs.

此次共设立有21999张彩票,每张仅售99欧元,目前部分彩票已经开始出售。Some 21,999 lottery tickets priced at just 99 euros apiece are on sale.

有只乌鸦偷到一块肉,衔着站在一根树支上,正准备美歺一顿。A crow had stolen apiece of meat ahd sat on a tree branch ready to eat it.

请拿出一张纸一支笔把你的谜底写下来,解论便在前面。Take apiece of paper and write down the answers. The analysis is in the end.

阿卡蒂奥指挥的总共是五十个人,装备很差,每人顶多只有二十发子弹。He had only fifty poorly armed men with a ration of twenty cartridges apiece.

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维克托供给他们每人一品脱啤酒,并说将把酒钱记在帐上。Victor supplied them with a pint of beer apiece and said he would chalk it up.

光芒队赢得了昨日的比赛,逼平了赛季中七场连胜的记录。The Rays won last night's game to even the best-of-seven series at a game apiece.

我煮的这些龙虾叫“巨龙”,单只就有三磅重。These lobsters we have to practice with are calledJumbos since they’re around three pounds apiece.

至今新西兰已经9次夺得三国赛冠军,而澳大利亚和南非则分别夺冠两次。To date they have captured the title nine times while Australia and South Africa have won two apiece.

他们第一次见面是在每个反抗者服务30天的麦金太尔营监狱里。Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination.

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酷玩乐队和老鹰乐队各有四项提名在手,克里斯·布朗和里尔·韦恩也各获三项提名。Coldplay and the Eagles had four nominations each, while Chris Brown and Lil Wayne received three apiece.

酷玩乐队和老鹰乐队各有四项提名在手,克里斯·布朗和里尔·韦恩也各获三项提名。Coldplay and the Eagles had four nominations each, while Chris Brown and Lil Wayne received three apiece.

比如,一节镍钛诺线圈在加热冷却后会记住圆圈这形状。For example, apiece of nitinol wire bent to form acirclethatis then heatedandquenched will remember this shape.