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1633年,伽利略受到宗教法庭审讯。In 1633 Galileo faced the Inquisition.

想想十字军和宗教法庭吧。Think of the crusades and the Inquisition.

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我决受不了这女人的问长问短。I never could put up with the woman's inquisition.

我们正处在有党派偏见的参院调查的前夕。We were on the ever of a partisan Senate inquisition.

警方正沿几条线索进行调查。The police are following several lines of inquisition.

1611年他首次列入宗教法庭审判名单。In 1611, he is first mentioned by the Inquisition. 1614.

刑讯逼供深为人恶,但屡禁不止。Inquisition by torture is hated but fails to be prohibited.

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对此问题我们展开了一系列的调查研究。To this problem we launched a series of inquisition research.

清代是我国文字狱最多的朝代。The Qing Dynasty is our country literary inquisition most dynasty.

嗯,比如,宗教裁判所可不可以是现代极权主义的真正前身呢?Could the Inquisition be a real predecessor of modern totalitarianism?

这一点我们在宗教法庭时期安达鲁西亚和科尔多瓦的历史上看得很清楚。We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition.

不超过2000人是被宗教裁判所判处死刑的。No more than 2, 000 people who were tried by the Inquisition were executed.

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中世纪的宗教法庭创造了许多骇人听闻的酷刑。The Inquisition of the Medieval Ages devised many demoniac means of torture.

福尼尔的调查揭露了一个犯有异端邪说罪过的村庄,但也仅仅如此而已。Fournier's inquisition uncovered a village guilty of heresy, but little else.

但真正意义上对清代文字狱的研究则从清代灭亡开始。However, a study of literary inquisition began at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

然而,他发现,在宗教裁判所折磨,并被判处死刑。However, he is discovered, tortured by the Inquisition and sentenced to death.

宗教法庭给以的赏罚引起的恐怖可能还显得相当的宽松的。This may appear fairly lenient given the terrors of, for example, the Inquisition.

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这种调查家谱的对话持续了相当长时间,但大家好像根本不介意。This genealogical inquisition takes some time, but no one seems the least bothered.

她正确地谴责对犹太人的大屠杀和开始执行宗教法庭。She is right to deplore the pogroms against Jews and the beginning of the inquisition.

不过不管他到底是淮,他都为自己能够加入审判庭,有报酬的猎杀恶魔而感到非常快乐。Whoever he is, he, smore than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.