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所有这些并不妨碍我们的成功。All this did not militate our success.

对思想的自由交流予以严密控制。Defensive instincts militate against free and easy exchange of ideas.

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几种因素综合起来妨碍我们计划取得成功。Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan.

好几个因素合并在一起不利于我们计画的成功。Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan.

成本的增加影响了建筑物的进一步扩建。Increased costs will militate against further enlargement of the buildings.

像这样的企业投资所冒的高度风险不利于找到赞助者。The high risks involved in such a business venture militate against finding backers.

因此,单独使用避险将不利于银行经营业绩。Therefore, separate hedging used by bank will militate against operation performance.

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所以短时间浅水潜水是不利因素可能是你的潜水者发生问题的原因。Again the shallow dive and short time would militate against this as a cause of your diver's problem.

更多的,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营…What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure.

矛盾表达因表达存在矛盾而得名,但它不妨碍理解。Paradox is named owing to the contradictory of expression, but it does not militate against understanding.

有些人断言,老化的复杂程度将永远不利于抗老化疗法的发展。Some assert that aging's complexity will forever militate against the development of anti-aging therapies.

腿骨平而不圆,结实,但不过分沉重,或粗糙,而影响了它天生的敏捷。Leg bones are flat rather than round, and strong, but not so heavy or coarse as to militate against the dog's natural agility.

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导弹防御计划无论有什么长处,都不应妨碍美致力提高安全措施,以防范其它类型威胁。Themissile- shield programme, whatever its merits, must not militate against efforts to improve security against other kindsofthreat.

总统极薄弱的民意支持和与温和派的不稳定关系妨碍了协议过渡。The president's extraordinarily thin base of popular support and uncertain relations with soft-liners militate against a pacted transition.

如果特许权价值的论点是正确的,并且至少能够产生稳定,那个更大的银行能够多样化他们的收入,这可以更进一步抑制破产。If the franchise-value argument is correct that ought, at least, to yield stability. What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure.