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什麽是意符的整体性的本体位置?What is proper to the totality of signifiers.

你激活了整体的智性。You have activated the intelligence of the totality.

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这次持续100分钟的全食是自2000年七月的月全食以来时间最长的一次全食。The 100-minute period of totality was the longest since July 2000.

即便是最高深的思想也不能理解生活的全部。Even the most developed mind cannot understand the totality of life.

大气圈、水圈、生物圈和地圈的整体及其相互作用。The totality of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

在整个生命长河中没有什么目标是太小或太大的。In the totality of life there is no purpose that is too small or too big.

在第二状态中,获得完整的知觉是可能的。Withing the 2nd state it is then possible to attain a totality of awareness.

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那趋向完满的我们的内在本质,它超越了意识。The totality of the purposefulness of that which we are, which transcends consciousness.

超过那儿,我们到达基督意识,和造物者能量的总体。Beyond that, we come to the Christ Consciousness, and the totality of the Creator Energy.

进行环境影响评价,应把环境分为几个层次系统。For EIA the totality of environment should be divided into several levels of sub-systems.

这就是为什么在全食的过程中月亮会显得那么红,它需要依赖于我们的大气条件。Just how red it will appear during totality will depend on the conditions in our atmosphere.

三个或者四个肉眼可见的行星以及许多明亮的恒星也许能在全食阶段看到。Three or four naked-eye planets and a number of bright stars may be visible during totality.

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这一壮观的天文现象将把月亮变成“血色”,整个过程大约持续100分钟。The dramatic event will turn the moon blood red for 100 minutes during the period of totality.

据介绍,此次日全食将是2143年来持续时间最久的一次日全食。It is introduced that it will be the longest period of solar totality during the past 2143 years.

哈贝马斯反对裂变而追求总体性,利奥塔则反对总体性而追求异质性。Habermas opposes division to pursue totality while Lyotard opposes totality to pursue differences.

日全食期间能看见的只有太阳上部相对模糊的大气,被称为日冕。All that's visible during totality is the sun's relatively faint upper atmosphere, called the corona.

此外,泛神论否认无处不在的,因为全部的上帝的,是目前在任何一个地方。Furthermore, pantheism denies omnipresence , since the totality of God's being is present in no one place.

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简而言之,我们将致力于从外交入手,重新展现美国的整体实力。In short, we’re going to attempt to recapture the totality of America’s strength, starting with diplomacy.

在沙罗周期系列中相继发生的日全食的路径每隔18年作有规律的图形变化。The paths of totality for successive eclipses in this saros series change in a regular pattern every 18 years.

我们依赖每一个人,需要和所有人合作,这是一个非常宏观又相互关联的观念。We depend on everyone in totality and need the cooperation of all. This view is very big and inter- connected.