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扩散是释放能量的过程。Diffusion is an exergonic process.

这就是得到扩散方程的过程。So, that is how we got the diffusion equation.

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如全漫射角,价格较高。Such as the diffusion angle, the higher the price.

这就是这个混合的扩散理论运用的原因。And that is why this fixed law of diffusion applies.

SG方法内在地具有侧风扩散现象。The crosswind diffusion is inherent in the SG scheme.

并作了示踪剂在流体中的扩散试验。The experiment of tracer diffusion in fluid was made.

板深4井油气藏受到扩散作用的影响。Reservoir for Well Banshen 4 is affected by diffusion.

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PVC管材切割面板的扩散织物钢锯。Cut PVC pipe for diffusion panel fabric with a hacksaw.

研究了复合汞齐中金属的扩散。Diffusion of metals in complex amalgams was investigated.

扩散电容会引起麻烦。The effect of the diffusion capacitance can be troublesome.

印刷术的发明有助于知识的传播。The invention of printing helped the diffusion of learning.

NO的反应和扩散是一个非常复杂的问题。The phenomenon of NO diffusion and rection is very complex.

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介绍了扩散硅力敏器件计算机辅助设计的方法。CAD method for diffusion silicon force sensor is introduced.

这个扩散系数,我们一会就定义出来。And this diffusion coefficient we'll define in a few moments.

工艺片在石英管内实现真正意义上的闭管扩散。Ensure real closing-tube diffusion on wafer inside quartz tube.

这种空气流场结构有利于污染物的扩散。This kind of air flow field is good at contamination diffusion.

自制微孔膜扩散匣能有效起到免疫隔离作用。The diffusion chambers can effectively isolate immune rejection.

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脱髓鞘的活动性的病灶可以显示为弥散受限。Active foci of demyelination may demonstrate restricted diffusion.

当采用扩散剂N时,与腐殖酸混合使用效果也较好。The mix of humic acid with diffusion agent N have good effect too.

结果表明,二元气体孔扩散是在分子扩散占优势的过渡区进行。It is shown, that binary gas diffusion occurs in transition region.