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甚至连肺叶都要笑。Even smile in liver.

迷惑肝区肿大?Confuse liver area swelling?

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位置在肝脏上方。Located on topside of liver.

肝在右肋缘下可触知。The liver was costal margin.

肝烩洋葱怎么样?What about liver and onions?

从那以后,我一直不喜欢吃猪肝。I'll have the liver and onion.

递给我肝脏和胗。Pass me the liver and gizzards.

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肝脏较大,分叶。The liver is big and lobulated.

非酒精性脂肪肝会导致肝功能衰竭。NAFLD can lead to liver failure.

我可以做肝功能检查吗?。Can I do the liver function test?

吃猪肝对你们的眼睛有好处。Pork liver is good for your eyes.

她肝部有点小毛病。She suffers from a liver ailment.

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经证实它还可以防肠癌。And this can prevent liver cancer.

多见有肝脾肿大。See splenomegaly having liver more.

稍可令人安慰的是肝脏。What comforts us a little is liver.

法国鹅肝可用鸭肝代替。Can use duck liver instead of goose.

深肝色或深褐色属于主要缺陷。Dark liver or puce is a major fault.

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一个健康的肝脏清洁,由团体。A Healthy Liver Cleanses the Body by.

乙肝带菌者会被拒绝吗?。Can be second liver carrier rejected?

疗肝脏疾病,百战百胜!Cure liver disease, ever victorious !