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反担保适用本法和其他法律的规定。Pursuant to the present Law and other related laws.

一依第十二条或第十五条规定终止劳动契约者。A labor contract is terminated pursuant to Article 12 or 15.

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投标人同意投标人须知中第15.7条关于没收投标保证金的规定。That, pursuant to ITB Clause 15.7, its Bid Security may be forfeited.

“移交证书”指按照第48条之规定颁发的一种证书。"Taking-Over Certificate" means a certificate issued pursuant to Clause 48.

编码中心应当按照有关国家标准编制厂商识别代码。The ANCC shall compile maker codes pursuant to the relevant state standards.

依第十四条之一规定订定或修正内部控制制度。Adoption or amendment of an internal control system pursuant to Article 14-1.

反担保适用本法和其他法律的规定。The countersecurity shall be pursuant to the present Law and other related laws.

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本篇报道仅供个人浏览,非商业用途使用,如有需求,请与我们联系。This transcript is provided for personal, noncommercial use only, pursuant to our Terms of Use.

年4月25日,以色列依照以色列―埃及的和平条约收回了西奈半岛。On 25 April 1982, Israel withdrew from the Sinai pursuant to the 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty.

城市主要道路的人行道,应当按照规划设置盲道。On the pavements of the major urban roads, blind tracks shall be set up pursuant to the planning.

依第一款规定申请者,为载有原姓名之证件。The certificate carrying formal name in case the application is made pursuant to sub-paragraph 1.

这种刑罚,非经合格法庭最后判决,不得执行。This penalty can only be carried out pursuant to a final judgement rendered by a competent court.

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付款方式按管理公司有关规定办理。The payment shall be paid pursuant to the relevant regulations of the property management company.

我单位可以在完成报告后按规定处置送检样品。We can dispose the presented sample pursuant to certain provisions after the completion of report.

根据财政部批复,对2008年税后利润进行分配。After-tax profits for 2008 are distributed pursuant to the written reply of the Ministry of Finance.

TMB应将根据本条作出的通知散发所有成员供其参考。The TMB shall circulate the notifications made pursuant to this Article to all Members for their information.

第2条乙方应按照本合同书、报价单及规格书,向甲方交付产品。Article 2 Party B shall deliver the products pursuant to the contract, quotation and specification to Party A.

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涉嫌犯罪的将移交公安机关依法追究刑事责任。One suspected of a crime shall be transferred to the public security organ for criminal liability pursuant to law.

在违规交易中所获利益,依照有关规定处理。The proceeds as generated from any rule-breaking trading shall be dealt with pursuant to the relevant regulations.

任用、聘用涉密人员应当按照有关规定进行审查。Vetting shall be made pursuant to the relevant provisions before appointing or employing secret-related personnel.