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她说她的求婚被驹了。She said that she had been given the mitten.

一只红色小猫迷惘地躺在白杨树下。One red mitten lying lost under a poplar tree.

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又开始下雪了,但是所有的动物呆在手套里是很舒服的。It started snowing, but the animals were snug in the mitten.

它不管怎么样也要爬进来,于是手套变得越来越大,越来越大。He crawled in anyway. The mitten was getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

当雪地里出现獾时,它看见这支手套并开始想往里面钻。Up through the snow appeared a badger. He eyed the mitten and began to climb in.

中华绒蝥蟹或者更为大家所熟知的上海大闸蟹是一种营养价值极高的食品。Mitten Crab or better known as the Shanghai Hairy Crab is one of the most nutritious foods.

这种蟹由于其爪子上有密集的深棕色绒毛而得名“中华绒鳌蟹”,俗名“大闸蟹”。The mitten crab, given its name because its claws, are coated with clumps of dark brown fur.

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每幅情侣手套都由一双标准大小的手套以及一个超大型的供两只手插入的手套组成。Each set comes with one pair of regular size mittens, and one oversized mitten for hand-holding.

然后,一只大熊大声吸着气,发觉了这只手套。小动物们都已经把手套挤得满满的了,但熊却一点也不介意。Then a big bear sniffed at the mitten. The animals were packed in tight, but the bear didn't care.

喷嚏的力量使手套冲向了天空,所有的动物们散落在各个方向了。The force of the sneeze shot the mitten up into the sky, and scattered the animal in all directions.

爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency.

本文对中华绒螯蟹抱卵颜色为异常的粉红色与上黄色进行了分析。This paper analyzed the abnomml pink and yellowish brown hatching eggs of Chinese mitten crab, Edriocheir sinensis.

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有了它,两个人就可以在一只手套里拉着手了。情侣手套是送给爱人的最好礼物。Designed to allow two people to hold hands in one mitten , Smittens are the perfect gift for your spouse, loved one or favorite couple.

目前长江天然蟹苗资源已近于枯竭,其它水系蟹苗的引入更导致河蟹种源的混杂。Currently the wild seed crab resources are almost exhausted and the identification of the Yangtze population the mitten crab is an urgent need.

这种草药有的开包专题设计,使你穿那么他们就你一个手套滑手或作为对你的脚。Some of this kind of herbal packs feature open designs which then allow you to wear them as a mitten on your hand or as a slipper on your feet.

一只小鼹鼠,刚从洞里爬出来有点累了,正好发现了这支手套就钻了进去。里面是舒适和温暖的,而且大小正合适,它决定待在里面。A mole, tired from tunneling along, discovered the mitten and burrowed inside. It was cozy and warm and just the right size, so he decided to stay.

紧接着,一只刺猬抽抽嗒嗒得来了,已经在潮湿的树叶底下找了一天的食物了,它决定钻进手套里取取暖。Next a hedgehog came snuffling along, Having spent the day looking under wet leaves for things to eat, he decided to move into the mitten and warm himself.

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他一手接过她的钱,一手抓起她的连指手套,“带我去你住的地方,我想见见你的弟弟和你的父母。" He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents.

即使这项系统最初是为淡水日本绒螯蟹的研究设计,但是经过微小的改变可以应用到十足类其它的种类。Although the system was originally designed for research with the fresh water mitten crab Eriocheir japonica , it can be used with other decapods with slight modifications.

在两种养殖模式中好的水环境养殖的中华绒螯蟹的血细胞密度和血浆蛋白质的含量均比相对差的水环境养殖的中华绒螯蟹高。In both two cultured models, levels of the number of hemocytes and plasma proteins of Chinese mitten crabs in the good aquatic environment were higher than that in the bad aquatic environment.