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他把他的新西装弄皱了。He crumpled his new suit.

这是因为大脑被挤在一起,变得褶皱了That's because it's all crumpled.

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他把那张纸揉成一团。He crumpled the paper into a ball.

房子在狂风中倒塌了。The house crumpled up in the gale.

他把信揉成一个团。He crumpled the letter into a ball.

长年生病把他的身体弄垮了。The lingering illness crumpled him.

他把合同揉成一团。He crumpled the contract into a ball.

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敌军在我军攻击下全线崩溃。The enemy crumpled under our attacks.

是简把文件弄皱的。It was Jane who crumpled up the document.

这个荷兰人瘫成一团泥,昏了过去。The Dutchman just crumpled up and fainted.

咦,那边那个折折皱皱的东西是什么?Oh, what is that crumpled thing over there?

在律师的严厉质问下,她瘫倒了。She crumpled under the lawyer's severe questions.

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她在写字台上把皱巴巴的信展平。She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk.

她怀里抱着一个皱皱巴巴的大塑料袋。She held a large, crumpled plastic bag in her arms.

击之下,他的对手就倒在地板上爬不起来。At the first punch, his opponent crumpled to the floor.

可是我的衣服全是皱皱巴巴,是布的。But my clothes were made of cloth and all were crumpled.

一张弄褶皱的明信片上的某种幼稚、绿色的天堂。Some sort of naïve green paradise on a crumpled postcard.

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艾奇把他那卷弄皱的一星斯的工资扔到吧台上。Ikey threw his week's wages in a crumpled roll upon the bar.

这时他的目光汇聚到床头柜上一页皱皱巴巴的宣传单。His eyes focused now on a crumpled flyer on his bedside table.

帕克太太像从钉子上滑落的笔挺的衣服一样,慢慢瘫倒,皱缩成一团。Parker crumpled as a stiff garment that slips down from a nail.