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陈礼嘉在钢琴课上。Leon on piano class.

利昂喜欢小狮子。Leon loves little lions.

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立威廉是个好心的艺人。Leon Williams is a kind artiste.

李昂为丽人挑了一件红色洋装连衣裙。Leon for beauty picked out a red dress dress.

托洛斯基在墨西哥城附近遇刺。Leon Trotsky was assassinated near Mexico City.

考虑弗莱舍案件钢琴演奏家莱昂。Consider the case of piano virtuoso Leon Fleisher.

我叫约瑟夫。马萨奎,来自塞拉利昂。My name is Joseph Massaquoi. I'm from Sierra Leon.

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菲德尔让杰姬和埃利坚持间隔。Fidel let Jackie and Emmanuel Leon insist intervals.

2008年9月1日,佩德罗。莱昂签约皇家巴拉都利德。On 1 September 2008, Pedro Leon signed for Real Valladolid.

丽人在家里,听到李昂回来赶紧躺到沙发装睡。Beauty in the home, hear Leon return to lie in the sofa bed.

李昂买来了小惠喜欢的裙子,打算给她惊喜。Leon bought xiaohui like skirt, intend to give her surprise.

首先,从坎普顿的工程师转向莱昂。To begin with, the engineers from Kempten turned to the Leon.

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它配备了两个歌手,词曲作者,埃尔顿约翰和利昂拉塞尔。It features two singer-songwriters, Elton John and Leon Russell.

林大卫牧师讲道,周子良牧师翻译。Pastor David Lin shares message and Pastor Leon Chow translates.

20世纪最了不起的辩论家非列昂·托洛茨基莫属。The greatest polemicist of the 20th century must be Leon Trotsky.

上周里昂等在医院外面,我只是从他身边挤过去了。Leon waited outside the hospital last week I just pushed past him.

璇–平旦是个警察,他妻子在最近的一个不测中去了。M – Leon Lai is a cop whose wife has died recently in an accident.

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这就是莱昂·巴格瑞特的预测非凡的地方。This is what makes Leon Bagrit's predictions particularly remarkable.

即使在当年性质恶劣的水门事件中,利昂·贾瓦斯基也没有这样做。Even with all the crimes of Watergate, Leon Jaworski hadn’t done that.

那么,李扬,你愿意接受亚娟做你合法妻子吗?Then, Leon LI, do you take Sophia Dong to be your lawful, wedded wife?