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他们把油毡放错了地方。They mislaid the linoleum.

谁将铺设地板油毡?。Who will lay the linoleum?

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酸会把油地毡蚀穿。Acid ate through the linoleum.

大部分都流到油毡地上积成了一滩水。Most of it pools on the linoleum tile.

油毡是由涂有亚麻油的帆布做成的。Linoleum is made of canvas coated with linseed.

崭新的地毯上到处是从洗衣机里漏出的水。The washing machine had leaked on my brand-new linoleum.

我听到他在我身后从地毯上移动到漆布上时支支唔唔地说。I hear him shuffling from the rug onto the linoleum behind me.

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接待区内的定制桌由油地毡饰面,其顶面为可丽耐材料。Reception's custom desk is clad linoleum and topped in Corian.

接待区内的定制桌由油地毡饰面,其顶面为可丽耐材料。Reception's custom desk is clad in linoleum and topped in Corian.

地板是用旧了的棕色的漆布由铜的条板压制着。The floor was of battered brown linoleum held down by strips of brass.

我保证每个人都听说过为什么女人们有腿,油毡地板等。I'm sure everyone has heard about why women have legs, linoleum floors, etc.

我唯一一次感到害怕是在铺着红色油毡的一楼。The only time I was ever scared was on the first floor with the red linoleum.

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我唯一一次感到害怕是在铺著红色油毡的一楼。The only time I was ever scared was on the first floor with the red linoleum.

用竹子胶版做家具,天然漆布铺地板。Bamboo plywood was used for the cabinetry and natural linoleum was used for the flooring.

在铺地毯或地毡前你得先把旧钉打进去。You should punch in any old nails or screws before attempting to lay a carpet or linoleum.

在试图铺地毯或油地毡之前,你应把所有的旧钉子或螺丝钉打进去。You should punch down any old nails or screws before attempting to lay a carpet or linoleum.

放置室外的阀门,必须盖上油毛毡或者大雨布之类防雨、防尘物品。Placed outside the valve, must be covered with linoleum or Tarpaulins like rain, dust-proof materials.

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屋子里寂静无声,只能听到奶奶系带的厚跟鞋在破旧的铺着漆布的地板上发出的咔哒声。The room was quiet except for Granny's thick-heeled lace-up shoes clicking across the worn linoleum floor.

这栋象迷宫一样的大楼中,过道的天花板很低,地上铺着亚麻油毡地毯,暗暗的紫红色,棕色和烟焦黄构成大楼内部的主色调。It is a maze of low-ceilinged corridors and linoleum floors, in shades of magenta, brown and nicotine yellow.

厨房角落里,一个太空猴蹲坐在烂兮兮的油毛毯上,从手持镜里重新认识自己。In one corner of the kitchen, a space monkey squats on the cracked linoleum and studies himself in a hand mirror.